

作者:聚创考研网-王老师 点击量:328 2024-06-12



Theres lots of evidence thats been growing over probably more than a century at this point where we might see birds colliding with communication towers.Its not the tower that theyre colliding with, its usually the guy wires.But why are they circling around a communication tower?And usually the light on the communication tower, they are entrained into that light. They circle around it.Theyre calling, giving these flight calls, and then they collide with something that they ultimately didnt see, the guy wires supporting the communication tower.These towers have bright lights on them to prevent aircraft from flying into them at night.But this visual deterrent unfortunately has the opposite effect on birds.We see evidence of this of birds colliding with skyscrapers. And they're colliding with the windows.




But why are they flying into the building?It’s not to say that birds collide with trees on a given night when they’re migrating.They can perceive obstacles, but they couldn’t perceive the glass on the building at night.Essentially Kyle and his team found that more lights on skyscrapers leads to more dead birds.So that’s why we think about light as a pollutant for these birds.It’s taking them off course. It’s reshaping where they’re on the landscape.We can see more birds in urban centers than we would otherwise expect, and light keeps coming up as a common attractant.The problem with artificial light is especially visible at the Tribute in Light memorial.We see this in New York City, one of the most photo-polluted cities in the lower 48 states of the United States.When we go there on September 11, when the towers of light are set up to remember the lives lost during the terrorist attacks, there's no missing them.They cast miles up into the airspace; you can see them from upwards of 60 miles away on the horizon.


但鸟儿为什么要飞进大楼呢?并不是说,鸟儿在夜晚迁徙时会撞上树木。鸟儿可以感知障碍物,但在夜间却无法感知大楼上的玻璃。凯尔和他的团队发现,大体上,摩天大楼上的灯光越多,死亡的鸟儿就越多。这就是为什么我们认为光对这些鸟来说是一种污染物的原因。这让鸟儿偏离了飞行路线,使鸟儿重塑它们在景观中的位置。我们可以在城市中心看到比我们预期更多的鸟类,光线作为一种常见的引诱物不断出现。纪念光碑中的人造光问题尤为明显。纪念光碑位于纽约市,纽约市是美国本土48个州中光污染最严重的城市之一。911日,建立这座光塔是为了纪念在恐怖袭击中失去的生命。当我们于911日抵达那里时,它们也不会错过。灯光投射到几英里外的空域; 你可以在60英里以外的地平线上看到光束。

Kyle and his team are using these forecasts to help curb one of the biggest issues that migratory birds face: the deadly effects of artificial light pollution.Artificial light is not something most people would instantly recognize as a harmful pollutant.But according to Kyle, it’s a huge problem for migratory birds.If you go out and take a can of paint, and you dump it in the lake, yeah, you’re polluting, right?But if you leave your porch light on at night, or we leave your office lights on, and it’s casting light out into the airspace, is that pollution, right?And some folks might say no, and some folks might say yes. And I would be in the camp of saying that that’s a pollutant.So that’s one of the things that birds are facing.So what can this kind of airborne pollution do?


鸟儿成群结队地飞向那些光束。我们看到成千上万的鸣鸟在这座光塔上盘旋。在这种情况下,这并不是因为与光有关的建筑物,而是这些鸟儿显然会被这些光所吸引。灯亮着; 鸟儿出现了。灯熄灭了; 鸟儿飞走了。夜间飞行的鸣叫声似乎也受到光污染的影响。科学家们尚不明确鸟类为什么夜间飞行会发出叫声,但鸟类发出叫声的时间揭示了一些线索。在如雨雾等恶劣的天气条件下,鸟类在夜间飞行时会更频繁地发出叫声。当鸟儿受到干扰或在尤为密集的鸟群中飞行时,它们也会发出更多叫声——研究证明,当鸟儿遇到光污染时也是如此。这表明,夜间鸣叫可能在鸟群动态行动中发挥了作用——某种程度上是为了保证彼此的安全。然而,当鸟类在光污染中迷失方向时,它们会发出叫声,这会吸引更多的鸟类进入光中,使更多的鸟类处于撞到物体导致死亡的危险之中。为了解决这个问题,BirdCast正在积极行动,阻止光污染。

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