

作者:聚创考研网-王老师 点击量:227 2023-11-13


经济学人:不入虎穴, 焉得虎子

And now, Words and Their Stories, from VOA Learning English.During a new year, many of us decide to try something new.With a new year's resolution, we resolve to do something we have not done in the past.Sometimes new things are risk-free – like eating healthier food or getting more exercise.Sometimes we decide to learn a new skill, like a language or a musical instrument.Again, these things are not risky, nor do they have bad consequences.If you do not learn how to play the guitar, nothing bad will happen — probably.However, sometimes we need to shake up our lives and do something different that does have consequences.That means there are risks if things do not work out.Such a change could involve moving to a new city, starting a new job, or ending a relationship.These new things do have a level of risk.




Things could go wrong.On the other hand, things could go very right.So, for these situations, we introduce two expressions that encourage you to take a chance.The first expression is nothing ventured, nothing gained.This means that without doing something risky or difficult, a bad situation will not improve.You could also sum it up this way: If you try something risky, you could fail. But if you do not try at all ... you will surely fail.The word "venture" can be both a noun and a verb.As a verb, it means to proceed in a dangerous or risky plan.As a noun, it means an action that involves chance, risk, or danger.For example, starting a new restaurant is a risky business venture these days.And venturing into an unknown area could be dangerous.A friend of mine wanted to learn how to drive a stunt car and then move to Los Angeles to become a stunt car driver.A stunt car is a vehicle used in the movies to perform crashes and wild driving.There are not many women in this profession.So, I told her that her decision involved lots of risk.She said to me: "Well, nothing ventured, nothing gained."


事情可能会出差错。另一方面,事情可能会进展得非常顺利。因此,对于这些情况,我们介绍两个鼓励你去冒险的短语。第一个短语是nothing ventured, nothing gained(不入虎穴,焉得虎子)。它的意思是如果不做一些有风险或困难的事情,糟糕的情况就不会改善。你也可以这样总结:如果你尝试一些冒险的事情,你可能会失败。但如果你一点都不尝试……你肯定会失败。“venture”既可以是名词,也可以是动词。作为动词,它的意思是按照危险的(即有风险的)计划进行。作为名词,它的意思是涉及风险的行为。例如,如今开一家新餐厅是一项有风险的商业活动。冒险涉足一个未知的领域可能是危险的。我的一个朋友想学习如何驾驶特技汽车,于是她搬到洛杉矶成为一名特技车手。特技汽车指的是在电影中用来表演撞车和疯狂驾驶的汽车。从事这一职业的女性并不多。所以,我告诉她,她的决定有很大的风险。她对我说:不入虎穴,焉得虎子。


Our second expression is fortune favors the bold."Fortune" usually means wealth or fame.But it can also mean being in a good situation.And, if you are bold, you are brave.So, this expression means that people who are brave and take chances help themselves.Their bold, brave actions put them in a good place.When using this expression, keep this in mind.The person who finds a fortune has done something to get it.It just doesn't happen to them by chance.So, if someone happens to win a lot of money in a lottery, you wouldn't use the expression fortune favors the bold.However, let's say you quit your job and moved to a new city.That is a bold decision.But you are sure that it will be good for you.In the new city, you find your dream job.It might even pay more money than your old job.Here, you could definitely say, "Fortune favors the bold!"And that's all the time we have for this Words and Their Stories.For the start of 2023, I wish you and yours health and wealth.Until next time ... I'm Anna Matteo.


我们要讲的第二个短语是fortune favors the bold(命运偏爱勇者)。“Fortune”通常指的是财富或名声。但它也可以表示处于良好的状况。bold的意思是勇敢的。所以,这个短语的意思是那些勇敢和敢于冒险的人帮助自己。他们大胆、勇敢的行为让他们处于有利地位。当使用这个短语时,请记住这一点。发现财富的人是做了一些事情后才获得财富的。这并不是偶然发生在他们身上的。因此,如果某人碰巧买彩票中了很多钱,你就不能用fortune favors the bold(命运偏爱勇者)这个短语来形容他/她。然而,假设你辞去了工作,搬到了一个新城市。这是一个大胆的决定。但你确信这会对你有好处。在新的城市里,你找到了理想的工作。这份新工作的薪水可能会比你之前的工作的薪水多。在这里,你绝对可以说,命运偏爱勇者!以上就是本期《词汇掌故》节目的全部内容。在2023年伊始,我祝愿你和你的家人身体健康,财源滚滚。下次见……我是安娜·马特奥。

以上是聚创考研网为考生整理的"2024考研英语:《经济学人》中英读译Day225"的相关考研信息,希望对大家考研备考有所帮助! 备考过程中如有疑问,也可以添加老师微信juchuang911进行咨询。


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