

作者:聚创考研网-王老师 点击量:266 2023-11-11



And now, Words and Their Stories, from VOA Learning English.Have you ever felt out of place?Have you ever felt clumsy, like you cannot move gracefully and smoothly?If you answered yes, then today's show is for you!Today we talk about what happens when a big animal runs loose in a small area.The expression is to be a bull in a china shop.China is fragile, meaning very easy to break.Imagine a large bull running loose in a china shop.All the fragile plates, bowls, and tea cups in the shop would be on the floor and broken in a million pieces.So, a bull in a china shop describes a person who is awkward and clumsy.Wherever they go, they create a mess.This can happen on purpose or on accident.If you are behaving wildly in a small space and are breaking things here and there, you are acting like a bull in a china shop.But maybe you don't mean to.


欢迎收听VOA慢速英语《词汇掌故》节目。你是否曾感到手足无措?你是否曾觉得自己笨手笨脚的,比如你不能优雅而平稳地移动?如果你回答是,那么今天这期节目就是为你准备的!今天我们要讨论的是当一只大型动物在一个小区域里乱跑时会发生什么。这个短语是to be a bull in a china shop(笨手笨脚的人;鲁莽闯祸的人)。瓷器是易碎的,意思是很容易被打破。想象一下,一头大公牛在瓷器店里乱跑。店里所有易碎的盘子、碗和茶杯都会掉在地上摔得粉碎。所以,a bull in a china shop形容的是笨手笨脚的人。无论他们去哪里,他们都会制造混乱。这可能是故意的,也可能是意外。如果你在一个狭小的空间里表现得很疯狂,到处打碎东西,那么你就像在瓷器店里乱跑的公牛(即你是一个冒冒失失的人)。但也许你不是故意的。


Maybe you are just very big or your body movements are not very graceful.This expression can describe a person or a situation.For example, a fancy wedding is my bull in a china shop situation.I always end up knocking something over or saying the wrong thing.This expression is used in other ways.When a person feels out of place and deals too roughly with a delicate problem they can say they feel like a bull in a china shop.If you are this kind of person, you do not handle light situations well at all.For some reason and sometimes through no fault of your own … you just make things worse.It can also mean you rush into a situation without thinking about it clearly.Acting like a bull in a china shop means recklessly attacking a problem without proper planning.So, when you act like a bull in a china shop, you create damage.You leave a big mess in your wake.This could be an actual mess or a figurative one.


也许你只是块头很大,或者你的身体动作不是很优雅。这个短语可以描述人或情况。例如,我在一场华丽的婚礼上表现得笨手笨脚。我总是以打翻东西或说错话而告终。这个短语还有其他用法。当一个人感到手足无措,用过于粗暴的方式处理一个微妙的问题时,他们可以说自己笨手笨脚的。如果你是这样的人,你根本不能很好地处理微妙的问题。出于某种原因,有时并不是你自己的错,但你会把事情弄得更糟。它也指你在没有想清楚的情况下就匆忙进入一种情景。Acting like a bull in a china shop意思是在没有妥善规划的情况下鲁莽地解决问题。所以,当你表现得像一头闯进瓷器店里的公牛时,你就造成了损害。你留下了一大堆烂摊子。这可能是真正的混乱,也可能含有比喻意义。


For example, if you are a bull in a china shop you may not be invited to a problem-solving meeting at work.You may bring a little too much mayhem with you.This expression can also mean you handle a delicate situation badly.You don't react calmly and carefully.Instead you add fuel to the fire.This means you make the situation worse.For example, when it comes to relationship issues, Diedre is like a bull in a china shop.She always ends up making more trouble.One time she tried to help a married couple who had been arguing a lot.After Deirdre's "help" the couple ended their marriage.It is widely believed that this expression came from real animals causing real damage at outdoor markets in the 1800s.Word expert say that many languages have a similar expression but maybe they use a different animal, for example an elephant.And elephant would also do a lot of damage in a china shop.And that's all the time for this Words and Their Stories. Until next time ... I'm Anna Matteo.



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