

作者:聚创考研网-王老师 点击量:298 2023-11-14



Sleep is an important biological process for people and animals.However, much remains unknown about the process.Humans spend about one third of their lives sleeping.But some mammals, like the northern elephant seal, survive with much less sleep.Researchers in a new study described the unusual sleep pattern of these ocean animals.They found that when these mammals go to feed on trips that can last seven months, they sleep just two hours.Those two hours of sleep are made up of short moments of rest lasting only 10 minutes each as they dive deep to avoid predators.The only other mammals known to get so little sleep are African elephants.The seals' sleep time during ocean trips is different from the 10 hours a day they spend sleeping on the coast during mating season at places like California's Ano Nuevo beach.The researchers placed a head covering with sensors on the heads of the seals that they studied.


睡眠对人和动物来说都是一个重要的生物过程。然而,这一过程仍有许多未知之处。人类一生中约有三分之一的时间在睡觉。但有些哺乳动物,如北象海豹,睡眠时间要少得多。在一项新的研究中,研究人员描述了这些海洋动物不同寻常的睡眠模式。他们发现,这些哺乳动物在长达七个月的觅食过程中只睡两个小时。这两个小时的睡眠是由短暂的休息时间组成的,每次休息时间只有10分钟,即在它们潜入深海躲避捕食者的时候。已知的唯一睡眠时间如此少的哺乳动物是非洲象。海豹在海上旅行时的睡眠时间与它们在交配季节在加州Ano Nuevo海滩等地的海岸上每天睡10个小时的情况不同。研究人员在他们研究的海豹的头上戴上了带有传感器的头罩。


The sensors recorded sleep signals created by the seals' brains and heart rate.The sensors also recorded the animals' location and depth beneath the sea.The researchers studied female seals because they go out on long open-ocean trips while males feed in coastal waters.During dives lasting about 30 minutes, the seals went into a deep sleep called slow-wave sleep while keeping a controlled downward movement.When they then experienced rapid-eye-movement (REM) sleep, a condition where voluntary movement while sleeping stops, the seals fell into a turning pattern.They sometimes ended up without movement on the seafloor.Jessica Kendall-Bar of the University of California San Diego's Scripps Institution of Oceanography is the lead writer of the study published this week in Science.She said, "Then, at the deepest point of their sleeping dive - up to 377 meters deep - they wake up and swim back to the surface."The northern elephant seal is the world's second-largest seal.Only the southern elephant seal is bigger.




Male northern elephant seals may reach four meters long and weigh up to 2,000 kilograms.Females reach about three meters in length and 590 kilograms.The seals eat sea animals like fish and squid.Even with their large size, predators like sharks and killer whales are still a threat.Terrie Williams is a scientist at the University of California at Santa Cruz who helped write the study.She said, "It is remarkable that a wild animal will fall into deep, paralytic REM sleep when there are predators on the hunt."She added that the seals solve this problem by going into deep sleep in the deep parts of the oceans where predators usually do not hunt them.Williams said the brain's ability to control awakening the sleeping seals at a depth before they drown is also a discovery about how mammalian brains work.She commented on this saying that it shows the survival control of the seals' brains.I'm Gregory Stachel.


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