作者:聚创考研网-王老师 点击量:536 2023-03-17
Fried chicken has long been a favorite of consumers in South Korea — and now it also underscores the country's inflationary woes, with food prices across the board weighing more on wallets lately.That's why he joined a huge throng of shoppers clamoring for cheap fried chicken one August morning at Homeplus, a hypermarket chain that had just slashed 12 percent off its already-heavily discounted prices.
"There were already over 50 people lined up," Park told the reporter, adding that many arrived early and waited well over an hour. "We all ran together to the deli as soon as it opened. That's when I felt the craze of fried chicken."People around the world have been dealing with similar struggles in recent months as global food prices soared — and scenes like the chicken run at Homeplus are a reminder of how households are adjusting to broader inflation, which has hit 5.7 percent in South Korea."All costs related to fried chicken are rising very fast," said Jeong Woo Park, the Nomura economist, adding that vendors are being hit by soaring costs of oil, rent, labor, delivery services and even chicken feed. In response, he added, some restaurants have started using robots to bring labor costs down.
他告诉记者,当时已经有五十多个人在排队,还有人提前很早就来了,等了一个多小时就为了买上一份炸鸡。他还说:“门一开我们就冲到熟食区,人们真的对炸鸡很狂热。”近几个月以来,世界各地消费者都共同面临着食品价格飙升的难题。韩国八月份的通胀率为5.7%,在连锁超市里发生的抢购行为正是大众面对通货膨胀的无奈之举。野村证券的经济专家朴正宇(Jeong Woo Park)表示,炸鸡产业的相关成本都在飞速上涨,供应商也受到了油价、房租、人力、配送服务和鸡饲料等成本上升的冲击,一些餐馆甚至已经开始使用机器人降低人力成本。
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