

作者:聚创大工考研网-小黑老师 点击量:904 2011-12-22

  院系: 材料科学与工程学院
  办公电话: 0411-84706661-107
  更新时间: 2011-4-11
  其他专业: 无
  2009.6-至今 大连理工大学材料科学与工程学院 副教授,硕导 2008.4-2009.5 日本国立材料研究所 研究员 2006.4-2008.3 日本古河机械金属株式会社研究开发本部 高级研究员 2003.4-2006.3 日本筑波大学数理物质科学研究科(材料科学专业) 博士学位(与日本国立材料研究所联合培养) 2000.9-2003.3 河北工业大学 材料物理与化学专业 硕士学位(与中国科学院物理所联合培养) 1996.9-2000.7 辽宁工程技术大学 材料科学与工程专业 学士学位

  美国电子工程师协会(IEEE)会员 担任美国化学会系列杂志(JACS,JPCB,Cryst.Growth.Des等),美国物理学会系列杂志(APL, JAP),日本物理学会杂志JJAP, IOP系列杂志(Nanotechnology,JPD),J. Cryst. Growth等杂志审稿人。

   1. 半导体纳米材料的制备及其在光电领域的应用 2. 半导体功能薄膜的制备与应用 3. 纳米尺度绿色能源材料的探索

   1. 低维半导体纳米材料(GaN, AlN, SiC, ZnS纳米线,纳米管等)的控制生长、物性研究及应用探索 2. 半导体功能薄膜的制备与应用 3. 纳米尺度绿色能源材料的探索

  [1] B. D. Liu, Y. Bando, B. Dierre, T. Sekiguchi, C. C. Tang, M. Mitome, D. Golberg. “Synthesis, structure and cathodoluminescence of ellipsoid-shaped ZnGa2O4 nanorods” Nanotechnology,2009,20,185705-1-6.
  [2] B. D. Liu, Y. Bando, M. S. Wang, C. C. Tang, M. Mitome, D. Golberg. “Crystallography and elasticity of individual GaN nanotubes“ Nanotechnology,20 (2009) 185705-1-6
  [3] B. D. Liu, Y. Bando, X. Jiang, M. Y. Liao, C. C. Tang, M. Mitome, D. Golberg. “Bicrystalline ZnS microbelts” Crystal Growth & Design. 2009, 9 (6), pp 2790–2793
  [4] Baodan Liu, Yoshio Bando, Mingsheng Wang, Chunyi Zhi, Xiaosheng Fang, Chengchun Tang, Masanori Mitome, Dmitri Golberg “Electron-beam irradiation induced conductivity in ZnS nanowires as revealed by in-situ TEM” J. Appl. Phys. 2009,106,034302-1-7.
  [5] B. D. Liu, Y. Bando, M. S. Wang, D. Golberg. “Synthesis and in-situ TEM transport measurements of individual GaN nanowires and nanotubes “ J. Nanosci. Nanotechnol. (in press,)
  [6] Baodan Liu, Yoshio Bando, Chengchun Tang, Dimitri Golberg, Kazunari Yamaura, and Eiji Takayama-Muromachi. “Mn-Si-catalyzed synthesis and tip-end-induced room-temperature ferromagnetism of SiC/SiO2 core-shell heterostructures” J. Phys. Chem. C 112 (2008) 18911-18915.
  [7] B. D. Liu, Y. Bando, C. C. Tang, F. F. Xu, D. Golberg. “Wurtzite-type Faceted single-crystalline GaN nanotubes” Appl. Phys. Lett 88 (2006) 093210
  [8] B. D. Liu, Y. Bando, C. C. Tang, D. Golberg, R. G. Xie, T. Sekiguchi. “Synthesis and optical study for crystalline GaP nanoflowers” Appl. Phys. Lett. 86 (2005) 083107
  [9] B. D. Liu, Y. Bando, C. C. Tang, F. F. Xu, D. Golberg. “Quasi-aligned single-crystalline GaN nanowire arrays” Appl. Phys. Lett. 87 (2005) 073106
  [10] Baodan Liu, Yoshio Bando, Chengchun Tang, Dimitri Golberg, Kazunari Yamaura, and Eiji Takayama-Muromachi. “Synthesis and magnetic study for Ga1-xMnxN whiskers” Chem. Phys. Lett. 405 (2005) 127
  [11] Baodan Liu, Yoshio Bando, Chengchun Tang, Junqing Hu and Golberg Dmitri. “Needle-like Bicrystalline GaN Nanowires with Excellent Field Emission Properties” J. Phys. Chem. B 109 (2005) 17082
  [12] B. D. Liu, Y. Bando, C. C. Tang, D. Golberg. “Excellent Field-Emission Properties of P-Doped GaN Nanowires” J. Phys. Chem. B. 109 (2005)
  [13] B. D. Liu, Y. Bando, A. Wu, X. Jiang, B. Dierre, T. Sekiguchi, C. C. Tang, M. Mitome, D. Golberg.“352-nm ultraviolet emission from high-quality crystalline AlN whiskers” Nanotechnology, (accepted)
  [14] B. D. Liu, R. Xie, A. Wu, F. Qin, X. Jiang, “Ultra- long GaN nanowire film prepared by thermal evaporation method” Chem. Vapor. Depos (accepted)
  [15] B. D. Liu, Y. Bando, C. C. Tang and F. F. Xu. “GaP nanowires with Ga2O3 coating” App. Phys. A. 80 (2004)
  [16] B.D. Liu, Y.X. Li, W.X. Li, F.B. Meng, G.H. Wu, F.M. Yang. “Structure and anisotropy evolution of (Nd1-xErx)2Co15.5V1.5 compounds” Physica B 325 (2003) 265-271
  [17] B.D. Liu, W.X. Li, Y.X. Li, J.L. Wang, G.H. Wu, F.M. Yang. “Structure and magnetic properties of (Nd1-xHox)3Fe29-x-yCoxVy compounds” J. Appl. Phys. 93, (2003) 6927
  [18] B.D. Liu, W.X. Li, J.L. Wang, Z.H. Liu, W.H. Wang, G.H. Wu, F.M. Yang. “Formation, structure and magnetic properties of Nd3Fe26.8-xCoxV2.2 compounds” J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys. 36 (2003) 1759—1763
  [19] B.D. Liu, Y.X. Li, W.X. Li, H.Y. Liu, G.H. Wu, F.M. Yang, F. R. de Boer. “Structure and magnetic properties of Nd2Co17-xVy compounds” Physica B Vol. 319(1-4) (2002) pp.28-34
  [20] B.D. Liu, W.X. Li, J.L. Wang, Y.X. Li, G.H. Wu, F.M. Yang. “the effect of Er substitution on the structure and magnetic properties of (Nd1-xErx)3Fe18Co6Cr5 compounds” J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys. 35, (2002) 3161-3165
  [21] C. C. Tang, Y. Bando, B. D. Liu, D. Golberg. “Cerium Oxide Nanotubes Prepared from Cerium Hydroxide Nanotubes” Adv. Mater. 17, (2005) 3005
  [22] Guozhen Shen, Yoshio Bando, Baodan Liu, Cheol-Jin Lee “Characterization and Field-Emission Properties of Vertically-Aligned ZnO Nanonails and Nanopencils Fabricated by a Modified Thermal Evaporation Process” Advanced Functional Materials 16 (2006) 410
  [23] Tang Chengchun, Bando Yoshio, Xu Fangfang, Liu Baodan “Synthesis and field emission of carbon nanotubular fibers doped with high nitrogen content” Chem Commun 24 (2003) 3050
  [24] Haibo Zeng, Xijin Xu, Yoshio Bando, Ujjal Gautam, Tianyou Zhai, Xiaosheng Fang, Baodan Liu, Dmitri Golberg, “Template Deformation-Tailored ZnO Nanorod/Nanowire Arrays: Full Growth Control and Optimization of Field-Emission” Adv. Func. Mater 2009, 19, 3162-3172.
  [25] Ping Lu, Qing Huang, Baodan Liu, Yoshio Bando, You-Lo Hsieh, Amiya K. Mukherjee. “Nanoporous Silicon Oxycarbide Fibers with Luffa-like superhydrophobic shells” J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2009,131,10346-10347.
  [26] Tianyou Zhai, Xiaosheng Fang, Yoshio Bando, Benjamin Dierre, Baodan Liu, Haibo Zeng, Xijin Xu, Yang Huang, Xiaoli Yuan, Takashi Sekiguchi, and Dmitri Golberg. Adv. Func. Mater 2009, 19, 1-8. 
  [27] X. S. Fang, Y. Bando, M. Liao, U. K. Gautam, C. Zhi, B. Dierre, B. D. Liu, T. Y. Zhai, T. Sekiguchi, Y. Koide, D. Golberg, Adv. Mater. 2009, 21, 1-6.

  科研成果:至今已在国内外知名学术杂志Adv. Mater, App. Phys. Lett等杂志发表论文48篇,其中47篇论文被SCI收录并已被多次引用。申请专利2项(日本和中国各一项),在申请日本专利2项。 所获奖励: 11/2008 获得第九届亚太电子显微镜会议组委会颁发的青年科学家奖 04/2006 国家优秀留学生奖学金 (证书编号:2005-146) 04/2005 获得美国电子工程师协会(IEEE)颁发的青年科学家奖 06/2004 获得第八届亚太电子显微镜会议组委会颁发的青年科学家奖

   1. 欢迎具有材料、物理、化学等专业背景的学生报考 2. 欢迎所学外语为英语或者日语的学生报考 3. 欢迎对本人研究领域有浓厚兴趣的学生报考

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