

作者:聚创考研网-王老师 点击量:957 2023-11-22



And now, Words and Their Stories, from VOA Learning English.Oil and water are two very different substances.Oil is thick. Water is thin.If you pour oil into water, they do not mix, and the oil floats to the top.This difficult relationship can play a part in some laboratory experiments.It can play a big part in kitchens as we cook food.It can also be used to describe some of our personal relationships.If we say two people are like oil and water, it means they do not get along.They are not compatible.Things like objects, elements, and people that do not or cannot mix together easily can be compared to oil and water.Here is an example from experience.My friend often asked me to watch her cat Bluey when she would travel out of town.Usually, cats love me but not Bluey.




He would make terrible cat noises as soon as I walked into the apartment.Every time I tried to pet him, he would bite and scratch me.So, I didn't like him either.We were like oil and water.I took care of him, but for the most part, we ignored each other.This expression describes how oil and water naturally separate.They are incompatible.So are people who have nothing in common and do not get along.We sometimes say oil and water do not mix to express an opinion that two things do not go together.Here is another "oil" expression.If you pour oil on troubled water, you calm a tense situation.You might not hear this expression too much in America as it is mainly a British usage.Now let's hear the expression used between two friends.


我一走进公寓,他就会发出可怕的猫叫声。每次我想抚摸他,他都会咬我,抓我。所以,我也不喜欢他。我们就像油和水。虽然我照顾他,但大多数时候,我们不理对方。这个短语描述了油和水是如何自然分离的。它们不相容。没有共同之处、相处不融洽的人也是如此。我们有时说油和水不混合来表达两种东西无法在一起的观点。这是另一个与有关的短语。pour oil on troubled water的意思是平息紧张局势。在美国你可能不会经常听到这个短语,因为它主要在英国使用。现在我们来听听两个朋友使用的相关短语。


I'm worried about my birthday party.Why? It's not until next weekend.It doesn't matter. My two best friends will never find a way to get along.Ben likes to plan everything and is a bit of a control freak.Kara is super easy going and likes to play things by ear.Those two sound like oil and water.They are! And they want to throw the party together. What a truly bad idea.I have a good idea. I'll come to the party early.If things between them get heated, I'll get between them and calm things down.You'll be the oil on my troubled waters!Sure. Whatever you say. I just want to have fun at your party!And that's all the time we have for this Words and Their Stories. Until next time … I'm Anna Matteo.


以上是聚创考研网为考生整理的"2024考研英语:《经济学人》中英读译Day232"的相关考研信息,希望对大家考研备考有所帮助! 备考过程中如有疑问,也可以添加老师微信juchuang911进行咨询。


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