

作者:聚创考研网-王老师 点击量:546 2023-11-21



Where there is the delegation of tasks, there is a problem of motivation--how to get an employee to act on behalf of the firm, to be a team player, rather than narrowly self-serving.This is known in economics as the principal-agent problem, the source of much illuminating theory in this period.Incentives matter, of course, but often the best approach is for organisations to pay a fixed salary and not to tie rewards to any one task.Tie teachers' pay to exam results, for instance, and they will "teach to the test", instead of inspiring pupils to think independently.Such avenues of research would earn Nobel prizes in economics for Oliver Williamson, Oliver Hart and Bengt Holmstrom.(Coase had won the prize in 1991; Simon in 1978.)Their work explains in part why, by the mid-1990s, our business-school professor was so confident that economics should rule the study of business.


哪里要委托任务,哪里就有动力问题 -- 如何让员工代表公司行事,成为团队的一员,而不是狭隘地为自己谋利。这在经济学上被称为委托代理问题,是这一时期许多有启发性的理论的来源。当然,激励很重要,但通常最好的方法是让组织支付固定的工资,不要将奖励与任何一项任务挂钩。例如,如果将教师的工资与考试成绩挂钩,他们就会"为了考试而教学",而不是鼓励学生独立思考。这样的研究途径后来让奥利弗·威廉森、奥利弗·哈特和本特·霍姆斯特罗姆赢得诺贝尔经济学奖。(科斯于1991年获奖,西蒙于1978年获奖。)他们的工作在一定程度上解释了为什么在20世纪90年代中期,商学院的教授们如此自信地认为经济学应该统治商业研究。


The bestselling books of Michael Porter, an economist-turned-business guru, further fuelled such optimism, as did excitement about the potential for game theory in corporate strategy.Yet today if a firm hires a chief economist, it is for a take on GDP growth or the policy of the Federal Reserve.It is not for advice on corporate strategy.There are reasons for this.One is academic prestige.Economics likes to see itself as a foundational discipline, like physics, not a practical one, like engineering.But most of what makes for a flourishing business cannot be captured in a tight theory with a few equations.Often it is a matter of how well ideas, information and decision-making spread throughout the firm.And pay is not the only motivation.




Strong businesses are shaped by shared values and common ideas about the right way to do things--by corporate culture.People take pride in their work and their workplace.These are not natural subjects for economists.Nor is economics comfortable with the specificity of business problems.Solving them is more than a simple matter of establishing the right economic incentives.It requires detailed knowledge of technology, processes and competitors as well as social psychology and political trends.Economics is never enough.Many of the influences on any topical business issue--which tech firm will win the AI race, say--lie outside its purview.There are economic ideas that business people ignore at their peril.If a firm's strategy can be freely copied, it should expect its profits to be competed away quickly.A sound business needs an edge.But beyond such precepts, economics has little of practical use to say about what makes a successful company.The study of business remains an outpost of the empire.It now seems unlikely it will ever fully conquer the terrain.

强大的企业是由共同的价值观和对于正确做事方式的共同看法而塑造的,即企业文化。人们为自己的工作和工作单位感到自豪。这些不是经济学家会自然研究的主题。经济学也对商业问题的特殊性感到不自在。解决这些问题不仅仅是建立正确的经济激励机制这么简单。还需要对技术、流程、竞争对手,以及社会心理学和政治趋势有详细的了解。光靠经济学是永远不够的。对热门商业问题 -- 比如哪家科技公司将赢得人工智能竞赛 -- 产生各种影响并不在经济学的权限之内。而有一些经济学理念,商界人士若忽视了,就要自己承担风险。如果一家公司的战略可以被自由复制,它就应该预料到自己的利润会很快被竞争对手夺走。稳健的企业需要有自己的优势。但除了这些准则,在说明是什么造就了成功企业方面,经济学几乎没有实际用处。商业研究仍然是经济学帝国的边远前哨。现在看来,经济学可能永远无法完全征服这一地带。

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