

作者:聚创考研网-王老师 点击量:524 2023-10-11



Meta points out that it has been here before.Instagram's Stories feature took a while to get advertisers signed up but is now a big earner.Meta is monetising Reels more aggressively and expects it to stop losing money around the end of this year.But the firm acknowledges that it will be a long time before Reels is as profitable as the old news feed."We know it took us several years to bring the gap close between Stories and Feed ads," Susan Li, Meta's chief financial officer, said on an earnings call last month."And we expect that this will take longer for Reels."Some wonder if the gap will in fact ever be closed.Even mature video-apps cannot keep up with the old social networks when it comes to monetising their users' time.YouTube, which has been around for 18 years, makes less than half as much money per user-hour as Facebook or Instagram, estimates Bernstein.




In China, where short-form video took off a few years before it did in the West, short-video ads last year monetised at only about 15% the rate of ads on local e-commerce apps.For one thing, the ad load in video is inescapably lower than on a news feed of text and images.Watch a five-minute YouTube clip and you might see three ads; scroll Instagram for five minutes and you could see dozens.Watching video also seems to put consumers in a more passive mood than scrolling a feed of friends' updates, making them less likely to click through to buy.Booking 1,000 impressions for a video ad on Instagram Reels costs about half as much as 1,000 impressions for an ad on Instagram's news feed, reports Tinuiti, a big marketing agency, implying that advertisers see Reels ads as less likely to generate clicks.Auctions for video ads are less competitive than those for static ones, because many advertisers have yet to create ads in video format.


短视频在中国比在西方早几年开始流行,去年中国的短视频广告的变现率仅为本土电商应用广告的15%左右。首先,视频的广告量不可避免地低于图文新闻推送的广告量。看一段五分钟的YouTube视频,你可能会看到三个广告;刷五分钟的Instagram,你可能会看到几十个广告。观看视频似乎也会让消费者处于一种比刷好友动态时更被动的情绪,这会降低他们点击购买的可能性。大型营销机构Tinuiti报告称,在Instagram Reels上预订1000次视频广告显示量的费用,大约是Instagram新闻推送中1000次广告显示量费用的一半,这说明广告商认为Reels广告产生点击的可能性更小。与静态广告相比,视频广告的拍卖竞争较小,因为许多广告商还没有以视频格式制作广告。

Big advertisers prize video ads (and report record engagement on TikTok, where products have gone viral with the hashtag #TikTokmademebuyit).But the long tail of small businesses from which social networks have made their billions find video spots tricky to produce.Just over 40% of Meta's 10m or so advertisers use Reels ads, the company says.Getting the remaining 60% to create video commercials may be made easier by artificial intelligence.One senior executive imagines a near future in which a small retailer can create a bespoke video ad using only voice commands.Until that moment arrives, half the long tail is lopped off.Short-video apps are also hampered by weaker targeting.




For audiences, part of the appeal of TikTok and its many imitators is that users need do no more than watch, and swipe when they get bored.The algorithm uses this to learn what kinds of videos--and therefore ads--they like.But this guesswork is no substitute for the hard personal data harvested by the previous generation of social networks, which persuaded users to fill in a lengthy profile including everything from their education to their marital status.The upshot is that many advertisers still treat short-form video as a place for loosely targeted so-called brand advertising,to raise general awareness of their product, rather than the hyper-personalised (and more valuable) direct-response ads that old-school social networks specialise in.Here, at least, TikTok's imitators have an advantage over TikTok itself.Using a trove of data built up over a decade and a half, when there were few rules against tracking users' activity across the wider web, Meta already knows a lot about many of the users watching its videos and can make well-informed guesses about the rest.If a new, unknown user watches the same videos as a group who are known to be rich female graduates with children, say, it is a good bet that the new user has the same profile.TikTok says it has made big investments in its direct-response ads, including new tools for measuring their effectiveness.But it still has catching up to do."Meta are leveraging their history," says Mark Shmulik of Bernstein.Social apps will not be the only losers in this new, trickier ad environment."All advertising is about what the next-best alternative is," says Brian Wieser of Madison and Wall, an advertising consultancy.Most advertisers allocate a budget to spend on ads on a particular platform, he says, and "the budget is the budget", regardless of how far it goes.If social-media advertising becomes less effective across the board, it will be bad news not just for the platforms that sell those ads, but for the advertisers that buy them.


对于观众而言,TikTok和其许多模仿者的部分吸引力在于,用户只需要看视频,然后感到无聊的时候刷一下就行了。算法利用这一点来了解用户喜欢什么类型的视频以及什么类型的广告。但这种猜测并不能取代上一代社交网络收集的实打实的个人数据,社交网络说服用户填写一份冗长的个人资料,从教育背景到婚姻状况都包含在内。结果是许多广告商仍将短视频视为一种不太有针对性的所谓品牌广告,用于提高人们对其产品的普遍认知度,而不是老式社交网络所擅长的那种高度个性化的(且更有价值)直效广告。至少在这一点上,TikTok的模仿者比TikTok本身更有优势。Meta利用15年来积累的大量宝贵数据(当时几乎没有禁止追踪用户在网络上的活动的规则),已经对观看其视频的许多用户有了很深的了解,并可以对其余用户做出明智的猜测。比如,如果一个新的未知用户和一群大学毕业的富有已育女性观看了相同的视频,那么很有可能这个新用户也有同样的个人资料。TikTok表示,它已经在直效广告上投入了大量资金,包括衡量其有效性的新工具。但它仍需赶上差距。"Meta正在充分利用其历史。"伯恩斯坦的马克·施穆里克表示。在这一更棘手的广告新环境中,社交应用程序不会是唯一的输家。"所有广告都是关于第二好的替代选择是什么。" 广告咨询公司"麦迪逊华尔"的布莱恩·维泽表示。他表示,大多数广告商都会为某一特定平台的广告支出分配预算,无论效果如何,"预算就是预算"。如果社交媒体的广告整体都变得不那么有效,那么这不仅对出售广告位的平台是个坏消息,对购买这些广告位的广告商也是一个坏消息。

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