

作者:聚创考研网-王老师 点击量:392 2023-10-10



Whether or not it is banned, the app has forced its rivals to adopt a less lucrative model.Is TikTok's time up?As the social-media app's chief executive, Shou Zi Chew, was getting ready for a grilling before Congress on March 23rd, after The Economist went to press, TikTok's 100m-plus users in America were fretting that their government was preparing to ban the Chinese-owned platform because of security fears.Their anguish contrasts with utter glee in Silicon Valley, where home-grown social-media firms would love to be rid of their popular rival.



With every grumble from Capitol Hill, the share prices of Meta, Pinterest, Snap and others edge higher.TikTok's fate hangs in the balance.But what is already clear is that the app has changed social media for good--and in a way that will make life harder for incumbent social apps.In less than six years TikTok has weaned the world off old-fashioned social-networking and got it hooked on algorithmically selected short videos.Users love it.The trouble for the platforms is that the new model makes less money than the old one, and may always do so.The speed of the change is astonishing.Since entering America in 2017, TikTok has picked up more users than all but a handful of social-media apps, which have been around more than twice as long.Among young audiences, it crushes the competition.Americans aged 18-24 spend an hour a day on TikTok, twice as long as they spend on Instagram and Snapchat, and more than five times as long as they spend on Facebook, which these days is mainly a medium for communicating with the grandparents.


TikTok's success has prompted its rivals to reinvent themselves.Meta, which owns Facebook and Instagram, has turned both apps' main feeds into algorithmically sorted "discovery engines" and launched Reels, a TikTok clone bolted onto Facebook and Instagram.Similar lookalike products have been created by Pinterest (Watch), Snapchat (Spotlight), YouTube (Shorts), and even Netflix (Fast Laughs).The latest TikTok-inspired makeover, announced on March 8th, was by Spotify, a music-streaming app whose homepage now features video clips that can be skipped by swiping up.(TikTok's Chinese sister app, Douyin, is having a similar effect in its home market, where digital giants like Tencent are increasingly putting short videos at the centre of their offerings.)The result is that short-form video has taken over social media.Of the 64 minutes that the average American spends viewing such services each day, 40 minutes are spent watching video clips, up from 28 minutes just three years ago, estimates Bernstein, a broker.However, this transformation comes with a snag.Although users have a seemingly endless appetite for short video, the format is proving less profitable than the old news feed.


TikTok的成功促使其竞争对手重塑自我。拥有FacebookInstagramMeta,已将这两款应用的主要推送转变为由算法整理的"发现引擎",并推出了Reels,这是绑定在FacebookInstagram上的TikTok的翻版。其他类似的产品也被Pinterest(Watch)Snapchat(Spotlight)YouTube(Short),甚至网飞(Fast Laughs)推出。受TikTok启发的最新改版由音乐流媒体应用Spotify38日宣发,其主页现在主打视频片段,可以通过向上滑动而跳过。(TikTok的中国姊妹应用抖音在其本土市场也产生了类似影响,腾讯等数字巨头正越来越多地将短视频置于其产品的中心地位。)结果是短视频已经占领了社交媒体。经纪公司伯恩斯坦估计,美国人平均每天用于浏览社交媒体的64分钟中,有40分钟是用来观看短视频的,而三年前这一数字还只是28分钟。然而,这种转变带来了一个麻烦。尽管用户似乎对短视频有着无穷无尽的胃口,但事实证明,这种形式的利润不如老式的新闻推送。


TikTok monetises its American audience at a rate of just $0.31 for every hour the typical user spends on the app, a third the rate of Facebook and a fifth the rate of Instagram.This year it will make about $67 from each of its American users, while Instagram will make more than $200, estimates Insider Intelligence, a research firm.And it is not just a TikTok problem.Mark Zuckerberg, Meta's chief executive, told investors last month that "Currently, the monetisation efficiency of Reels is much less than Feed, so the more that Reels grows…it takes some time away from Feed and we actually lose money."The most comforting explanation for the earnings gap is that TikTok, Reels and the other short-video platforms are immature."TikTok is still a toddler in the social-media ad landscape," says Jasmine Enberg of Insider Intelligence, who points out that the app introduced ads only in 2019.Platforms tend to keep their ad load low while getting new users on board, and advertisers take time to warm to new products."You can't really wave a magic wand and declare that your new ads are 'premium' without any performance history to back it up, so they start at the end of the line," says Michelle Urwin of Skai, an ad-tech firm.

普通美国用户每使用TikTok一小时,该应用仅能赚取0.31美元,是Facebook收入的三分之一,Instagram的五分之一。研究公司"内部商情"估计,今年TikTok将从每个美国用户身上获得约67美元的收入,而Instagram获得的收入则超过200美元。这不仅仅是TikTok的问题。Meta的首席执行官马克·扎克伯格上个月向投资者表示,"目前,Reels的变现率远远低于Feed,随着Reels业务增长,这一情况更甚...…Reels抢走了Feed的时间,我们实际上是赔钱的。对于这种收入差距,最能给人安慰的解释是TikTokReels等短视频平台还不够成熟。"在社交媒体广告领域,TikTok还只是个蹒跚学步的孩子," 内部商情公司的贾斯敏·恩伯格说。她指出,TikTok直到2019年才推出广告。平台在吸引新用户时往往将广告量保持在低水平,广告商也需要时间来让新产品升温。"你不能挥舞一下魔杖,然后就宣称你的新广告是'高级'的,而没有任何之前的表现来支撑这种说法,所以广告是最后才开始的。"广告技术公司Skai的米歇尔·厄温说。

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