

作者:聚创考研网-王老师 点击量:277 2023-10-05



I had a hard time getting into it. The narrator was an old man, but he sounded more like what a young woman thought an old man might sound like.Whenever I was tempted to give up on it, I thought of David. He had just started reading Infinite Jest.I pushed through the first two chapters and discovered a new narrator in the third.I loved the alternating points of view. I carried the book to work.I read at lunch and on my walk home, occasionally lifting my eyes to avoid strangers and uneven concrete.“How’s your day?” David texted. “Good. A little tired,” I replied.“I stayed up late and finished my book.” I tried to slip it in casually, but I was proud of myself.



The last time I’d pulled an all-nighter to read, I was 12 and the book was Little Women.It was not a competition, but there was a tug. I felt him pushing me to be more of the person I used to be and more of who I wanted to be.Whenever he turned to discussing his current nonfiction book about the rise of Silicon Valley or environmental philosophers,I would tell him of fiction, of men who left their countries by hiding in boxes only to climb out and turn into birds.I would remind him that sometimes the only way to explain the world we live in is to make it all up.I asked David once what he liked about me. He paused, then said, “You make me less cynical.



I see the world as a more wonder-filled place with you.” David suggested we visit the library again.He asked if I remembered the game we played on our first visit. “I remember,” I said.He pulled a book from the shelf, dropped to one knee, and opened it.Inside, his Post-it read: “Karla, it has always been you. Will you marry me?”His proposal had rested between the pages of The Rebel Princess for over a year. “Yes,” I said. “I’ll marry you.”We embraced in the middle of the fiction aisle, surrounded by other people’s stories, about to begin our own.



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