

作者:聚创考研网-王老师 点击量:369 2023-09-18



5 Pay Less Online. Companies use online cookies to target shoppers with relevant ads,but your browsing history can also affect what prices you see.Visiting luxury sites or even just clicking on an item more than oncecan lead to search results featuring higher-priced items than comparable merchandise at savings-oriented sites, according to a Northeastern University study.An easy fix: Clear your cookies.6 Know Which Glass Is Yours. Confused about which water glass is yours on the restaurant table?Make an OK sign with both hands; your right hand will make a d for drink—and your left hand will make a b for bread. Cheers!



7 Skip Workouts if You Have a Fever. Exercising when you have the sniffles can have benefits.But when you're running a fever, stay in bed.Putting your body under a workout's stress will only make the illness harder to kick.Not to mention that your core body temperature is already high when you have a fever, and working out will increase it.8 Use a Ceiling Fan to Heat Your Home. Fans are no-brainers in the summer.But they can also keep your home cozy in the winter.Just use the pull chain or the switch on the side of your unit to reverse the fan's direction to clockwise.Now your fan will push the air up and spread the warm air around the room, making the space feel warmer.


9 Juice a Lemon the Easy Way. Pop any citrus fruit in the microwave and you'll not only make it easier to squeeze, but you'll also get more juice overall.Microwave for 10 to 30 seconds, depending on the fruit's size—a large grapefruit will need longer than a lemon—and be sure to let the fruit cool before handling it.



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