

作者:聚创考研网-王老师 点击量:559 2023-06-21



This is Scientific American’s 60-Second Science. I’m Shahla Farzan.Climate change is affecting animals in a lot of different ways.But scientists have noticed a common trend across a variety of species: they’re getting smaller. As in—physically smaller in size.But why, and what could this mean?Scientists have observed this phenomenon in very different animal species from wild sheep to woodrats.But it’s especially well-documented in North American songbirds.In 2019, researchers at the University of Michigan published a dataset of more than 70,000 birds that died after hitting windows in Chicago.The data showed the body sizes for dozens of species had actually shrunk over the past 40 years.But when Justin Baldwin, a graduate student at Washington University in St. Louis, took a closer look at the data, something stood out.


There clearly seem to be some species that were shrinking a lot and other species that were shrinking much less.The question was why were some bird species shrinking faster than others?Baldwin and his colleagues had a feeling that bird behavior might be playing a role.In birds, species with bigger brains tend to be smarter and can change their behavior based on their environment.That means that they might be able to buffer themselves from increasing temperatures, says Carlos Botero, an assistant professor of biology at Washington University and the study’s co-author.By adjusting their behavior, by changing the places that they look for food, the times of the day in which they do that, the things that they eat, and the ways in which they access those food sources.All those are ways in which they could experience a little bit less of a negative selection from all this variety of changes that we're seeing through climate change.A bigger-brained bird, for example, might adjust its behavior and stay in the shadows when it’s hot.



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