

作者:聚创考研网-王老师 点击量:519 2023-06-14



This is Scientific American's 60-second Science, I'm Jason Goldman.Let’s say you have a dog. Or maybe you’re watching a friend’s pup.You have a treat in your hand, so you have the dog’s attention.Then you put the treat into a doggy-proof box and let them figure it out.What do you think the dog will do?If you’re a dog owner, you probably know.Spike or Spot or Ms. Fluffy will probably try in vain for a while.But soon they’ll probably turn back to you with those puppy dog eyes with a look that’s both hurt (why would you make it so hard for them after all?) and pleading.That, it turns out, is a sophisticated cognitive phenomenon called referential communication.It’s an attempt to shift the human’s attention toward the problem.And dogs, as it also turns out, aren’t the only species who can do this.In 2003, a Hungarian biologist named Adam Miklosi tested this ability with an experiment.


这里是科学美国人——60秒科学系列,我是杰森·戈德曼。假设你有一只狗。也许你正在照看朋友的小狗。你手中有美味食物,所以会引起狗的注意。然后你把食物放进防狗狗的盒子里,让它们自己琢磨。你认为狗会做什么?如果你是狗的主人,可能会知道狗狗会做什么。斯派克、斯波特或是毛毛女士可能会尝试一会儿,却啥也没吃到。但很快它们就会转过头来,用那双小狗般的眼睛看着你,带着一种受伤的表情(究竟你为什么要让它们这么难过呢?) 并恳求你。事实证明,那是一种复杂的认知现象,称为指称交流。这是试图将人们的注意力转移到问题上。事实证明,狗不是唯一可以做到这一点的物种。2003年,匈牙利生物学家亚当·米克洛斯用一项实验测试了这种能力。

He gathered a handful of dogs and a group of wolves.Both groups of canines had been hand raised from birth by people in much the same way.He put a piece of food inside of that doggy-proof box.The wolves kept trying and failing to get the food hidden inside.We already know what the dogs did.Alan McElligott, an animal cognition researcher at the City University of Hong Kong, wanted to push this test further.He wanted to move beyond dogs versus wolves.“The discussions of those papers, and the discussion in the press, was all about them being domesticated closely by humans.”He thinks that there’s more to this story.What if animals don’t need to be domesticated but instead simply need to be socialized?Maybe it’s not that dogs are especially social but instead that wolves are just especially stubborn.



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