作者:聚创考研网-王老师 点击量:538 2023-02-20
Do you remember the information superhighway?In the early 1990s pundits predicted that high-speed data networks would soon connect millions of people, letting them exchange information and linking them to “movies and television shows, shopping services, electronic mail and huge collections of data”, as the New York Times put it.Yet today millions use Netflix and Amazon, Gmail and Wikipedia, and no one talks of “cruising the information superhighway”—or ever did.The vision was prescient, but the jargon died.Something similar may now be happening with the term “metaverse”.It is also the subject of feverish speculation—this time about the possibilities of 3D virtual worlds, and a sense that video-game technology and online communication are converging in interesting ways.But its definition is elusive, and none of the multitudes who congregate in virtual worlds today, such as players of the game “Fortnite”, actually use the word.
It broke into public consciousness in October 2021, when Facebook renamed itself Meta, signalling its ambitions in this new arena.People who had not previously heard the word “metaverse” assumed it was a new Facebook product.But the term has been used in tech circles for years, and other companies, including Microsoft and Roblox, had in fact already staked their own claims to be metaverse merchants.Metaverse is a relatively new name for an old idea, explains Matthew Ball, a technology analyst (and occasional contributor to The Economist), in his survey of the topic.The word was coined in 1992 by Neal Stephenson in his novel “Snow Crash”.Mr Ball traces the concept of a parallel, synthetic reality back to “Pygmalion’s Spectacles”, a short story of 1935 by Stanley Weinbaum, and later tales by Ray Bradbury, Philip K. Dick, Isaac Asimov and William Gibson.
Strikingly, all their synthetic worlds are dystopias—a detail modern tech bosses have failed to notice, or chosen to ignore.Mr Ball’s summary of the history of virtual worlds, in both fiction and computer science, provides helpful context.But his book’s most valuable contribution may prove to be his definition of the metaverse: an interoperable network of 3D virtual worlds that can be accessed simultaneously by millions of users, who can exert property rights over virtual items.This definition is interesting as much for what it leaves out as for what it includes.It is not simply a rebranding of virtual reality: headsets are optional, and today virtual worlds are mostly accessed using flat screens.Nor are blockchains or non-fungible tokens mentioned, though Mr Ball concedes they may have a role.He insists that, just as there is only one internet, made up of many different networks and services that have more value for being connected, there should be only one metaverse, made up of many virtual worlds.
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