

作者:聚创考研网-王老师 点击量:568 2022-08-12



An accurate count of the Earth's solar-power stations has now been made REBUILDING AN ENTIRE planet's energy system is a big job.Just ask the delegates at the COP-26 climate conference scheduled to kick off in Britain on October 31st.The most basic problem is knowing what, exactly, you are trying to rebuild.Academic-research groups, think-tanks, charities and other concerned organisations try to keep track of the world’s wind turbines, solar-power plants, fossil-fuelled power stations, cement factories and so on.To this end, they rely heavily on data from national governments and big companies, but these are often incomplete.



The most comprehensive database covering American solar-power installations, for instance, is thought to miss around a fifth of the photovoltaic panels actually installed on the ground.In a paper just published in Nature, a team of researchers led by Lucas Kruitwagen, a climate scientist and AI researcher at Oxford University, demonstrate another way to keep tabs on the green-energy revolution.Dr Kruitwagen and his colleagues have put together an inventory of almost 69,000 big solar-power stations (defined as those with a rated capacity of 10kW of electricity or more) all over the world—more than four times as many as were previously listed in public databases.This new inventory includes their locations, the date they entered service and a rough estimate of their generating capacity.




Conceptually, the team's method is simple.Instead of relying on top-down reports, they worked from the bottom up, looking at the entire planet from space and counting how many solar panels they could see.This is not the first time people have hunted from orbit for solar-power stations.But previous analyses have been limited to a few countries.As far as Dr Kruitwagen knows, his is the first attempt to survey the entire planet for a particular type of infrastructure.Earth is a big place, of course, which means practice is a great deal harder than theory.His approach has been made possible by two big technological trends.One is a growing abundance of cheap, easily available satellite imagery.




In the 20th century, reconnaissance satellites were the jealously guarded property of a handful of governments.These days, a cottage industry of Earth-observation firms and agencies sells images on the open market.Dr Kruitwagen's pictures came from two sets of satellites, Sentinel-2 and SPOT, run by the European Space Agency and Airbus respectively.These peer down on the world, recording visible light and also the infrared and ultraviolet parts of the spectrum.The images Dr Kruitwagen used amounted to around 550 terabytes of data, spanning the period between 2016 and 2018.That is enough to fill more than a hundred desktop hard drives.Sifting through this many pictures by eye would have been impractical.



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