作者:聚创南开考研网-小黑老师 点击量:3480 2018-09-13
热门关键词:南开大学 陈省身数学研究所导师简介:吴志强 研究生院校招生
简历:2003.2–现在 南开大学(教授)
1999.12–2002.11 Queen University Belfast, UK (Research Fellow)
1995.10-1999.9 St. John’s College, Oxford, UK (Junior Research Fellow)
1994.10-1995.9 Croucher Foundation Research Fellow
1991-1994 Oxford University (PhD)
1989-1991 香港中文大学(硕士)
1985-1989 香港中文大学(本科)
主要研究方向:[1] (with Huang, Xu-Jian)An abstract characterization of unital operator spaces. J. Operator Theory 67 (2012), 289–298.
[2] (with Leung, Chi-Wai and Wong, Ngai-Ching) Automatic continuity and C_0(\Omega)-linearity of linear maps between C_0(\Omega)-modules. J. Operator Theory 67 (2012), 3–20.
[3] (with Huo, Yu-Ping) Some algebraic structures related to a quantum system with infinite degrees of freedom. Rep. Math. Phys. 67 (2011), 97–107.
[4] (with Leung, Chi-Wai and Wong, Ngai-Ching) Linear orthogonality preservers of Hilbert bundles. J. Aust. Math. Soc. 89 (2010), 245–254.
[5] (with Leung, Chi-Wai and Wong, Ngai-Ching) Geometric pre-ordering on C*-algebras. J. Operator Theory 63 (2010), 115–128.
[6] (with Leung, Chi-Wai and Wong, Ngai-Ching) Geometric unitaries in JB-algebras. J. Math. Anal. Appl. 360 (2009), 491–494.
[7] (with Leung, Chi-Wai) Property (T) and strong property (T) for unital C*-algebras. J. Funct. Anal. 256 (2009), 3055–3070.
[8] (with Hao, Gai) Crossed products of C*-correspondences by amenable group actions. J. Math. Anal. Appl. 345 (2008), 702–707.
[9] (with Leung, Chi-Wai and Wong, Ngai-Ching) Property (T) for non-unital C*-algebras. J. Math. Anal. Appl. 341 (2008), 1102–1106.
[10] On quaternionic functional analysis. Math. Proc. Cambridge Philos. Soc. 143 (2007), 391–406.
[11] The Ext-functor of completely bounded bi-comodules, injectivity and cohomology. Internat. J. Math. 18 (2007), 761–781.
[12] Regular normed bimodules. J. Operator Theory 56 (2006), 343–355.
[13] (with Leung, Chi-Wai) Functional calculus and *-regularity of a class of Banach algebras. II. J. Math. Anal. Appl. 322 (2006), 699–711.
[14] (with Leung, Chi-Wai) Functional calculus and *-regularity of a class of Banach algebras. Proc. Amer. Math. Soc. 134 (2006), 755–763
[15] Topological treatments of some results on invariant ideals. Math. Z. 250 (2005), 387–391.
[16] The Ext-functor for the category of completely bounded comodules. Internat. J. Math. 16 (2005), 307–332.
[17] (with Glass, Kenneth) A simple proof of the hook length formula. Amer. Math. Monthly 111 (2004), 700–704.
[18] (with Leung, Chi-Wai) Some permanence properties of C*-unique groups. J. Funct. Anal. 210 (2004), 376–390.
[19] Profinite quantum groups. Math. Nachr. 254/255 (2003), 197–217.
[20] (with Leung, Chi-Wai) Invariant ideals of twisted crossed products. Math. Z. 243 (2003), 409–421.
[21] Duality of Hopf C*-algebras. Internat. J. Math. 13 (2002), 1009–1025.
[22] An example of amenable Kac systems. Proc. Amer. Math. Soc. 130 (2002), 2995–2998.
[23] (With Exel, Ruy) Approximation property of C*-algebraic bundles. Math. Proc. Cambridge Philos. Soc. 132 (2002), 509–522.
[24] Amenable representations and Reiter's property for Kac algebras. J. Funct. Anal. 187 (2001), 163–182.
[25] Cohomology of Hopf C*-algebras and Hopf von Neumann algebras. Proc. London Math. Soc. (3) 83 (2001), 708–742.
[26] Amenability of Hopf C*-algebras. Operator theoretical methods (Timi?oara, 1998), 269–284, Theta Found., Bucharest, 2000.
[27] Morita equivalences between fixed point algebras and crossed products. Math. Proc. Cambridge Philos. Soc. 125 (1999), 43–52.
[28] A remark on Mansfield's imprimitivity theorem. Proc. Amer. Math. Soc. 126 (1998), 3767–3768.
[29] Morphisms of multiplicative unitaries. J. Operator Theory 38 (1997), 203–224.
[30] Coactions and crossed products of Hopf C*-algebras. Proc. London Math. Soc. (3) 72 (1996), 638–656.
[31] Discrete coactions on C*-algebras. J. Austral. Math. Soc. Ser. A 60 (1996), 118–127.
[32] Discrete coactions on Hilbert C*-modules. Math. Proc. Cambridge Philos. Soc. 119 (1996), 103–112.
[33] C*-exactness and crossed products by actions and coactions. J. London Math. Soc. (2) 51 (1995), 321–330.
[34] (with Wong, Yau-Chuen) Helly's selection theorem and the principle of local reflexivity of ordered type. Indag. Math. (N.S.) 5 (1994), 227–252.
[35] (with Wong, Yau-Chuen) Half-full injection property and half-decomposable surjection property of Banach lattices. Southeast Asian Bull. Math. 17 (1993), 69–81.
联系方式:办公室:省身楼507房间 电话:022-23509399 Email:ckng@nankai.edu.cn
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