唐崇惕 TANG Chongti
电 话:+86-592-2183040
1954年 厦门大学理学学士
1986年 厦门大学教授
1987年 中国教育部科技委员会委员
1991年 中国科学院院士
1954 B.S., Xiamen University, China
1986 Professor, Xiamen University, China
1987 Member of the Committee of Sciences and Technology of State Education Commission of China
1991 Member of Chinese Acadmy of Sciences
研究领域 (Research Area)
目前重点研究血吸虫病原及媒介钉螺生物控制问题。血吸虫病(Schistosomiasis)是我国最严重的人兽共患寄生虫病之一, 病原日本血吸虫在湖南、湖北、江西、江苏、安徽等省份的湖泊及长江沿岸水网地区依然比较严重, 每年有不少人受感染。近年经人工试验已证实可以应用一种无害的吸虫处理钉螺,即可实现生物控制的效果。现正在深入进行其机理的研究,这对于血吸虫病原生物控制具有重要意义。我们将进一步运用免疫学、基因组学及蛋白质组学等方法深入探讨此生物控制的钉螺宿主击杀血吸虫的分子机制。
Our research focuses on the etiology, epidemiology, prevention and control of the important parasitic zoonoses.
At present, we mainly do biological control research on the pathogen of schistosomiasis and Oncomelania hupensis which are S. japonicum intermediate host. Schistosomiasis japonica is one of the most severe parasitic zoonoses in China and S. japonicum are the pathogen of this disease. In China, the most severely affected areas are water networks around the Yangtze River and some lakes in provinces of Hunan, Hubei, Jiangxi, Jiangsu and Anhui. Lots of people are infected by S. japonicum every year. In recent years, the artificial experiment has confirmed that the effect of biological control can be realized by using a harmless trematode to pre-infect O.hupensis. Now further study on mechanism of this situation are being made, which is of great significance for biological control of S. japonicum. We shall apply immunology, genomics and proteomics methods to explore the molecular mechanism of used by O.hupensis pre-infected by a harmless trematode can inhibit infection by S. japonicum.

代表性论文(Selected Publications)
1.Tang Chong-ti, Quin Yu-chun, Kang Yu-min, Cui Gui-wen, Lu Hong-chang, Shu Li-min, Wang Yan-hai, Tang Liang. Studies on the Ecological Distribution of Alveolar Echinococcus in Hulunbeier Pasture of Inner Mongolia, China. Parasitology, 2004, 128(2): 187-194.
2. Tang Chong-ti, Wang Yan-hai, Peng Wen-feng, Tang Liang, and Chen Dong. Alveolar Echinococcus species from Vulpes corsac in Hulunbeier, Inner Mongolia, China, and differential development of the metacestodes in experimental rodents. Journal of Parasitology, 2006, 92(4): 719-724.
3.唐崇惕崔贵文钱玉春康育民彭文峰王彦海吕洪昌陈东 我国内蒙古大兴安岭北麓泡状肝包虫种类的研究。I.多房棘球绦虫(Echinococcus multilocularis Leuckart,1863)。中国人兽共患病学报,2006, 22(12):1089—1094。
4.唐崇惕崔贵文钱玉春康育民彭文峰王彦海吕洪昌陈东 我国内蒙古大兴安岭北麓泡状肝包虫种类的研究。II.西伯利亚棘球绦虫(Echinococcus sibiriensis Rausch et Schiller, 1954)。中国人兽共患病学报,2007 a ,23(5):419—426。
5.唐崇惕康育民崔贵文钱玉春王彦海彭文峰吕洪昌陈东 我国内蒙古大兴安岭北麓泡状肝包虫种类的研究。III. 苏俄棘球绦虫(Echinococcus russicensis sp.nov.)。中国人兽共患病学报,2007b ,23(10 ):957-964。
6.唐崇惕,郭跃, 王逸难, 姜谧, 卢明科, 彭晋勇, 武维宝, 李文红, 陈东. 湖南目平湖钉螺血吸虫病原生物控制资源调查及感染试验。中国人兽共患病学报,2008, 24(8 ):689-695。
7.Tang, C.T, Lu, M.K., Guo,Y., Wang, Y.N., Peng, J.Y., Wu, W.B., Li, W.H., Weimer, B.C., Chen, D. Development of larval Schistosoma japonicum blocked in Oncomelania hupensis by pre-infection with larval Exorchis sp. Journal of Parasitology, 2009, 95(6):1321-1325.
8.唐崇惕, 卢明科, 郭跃, 陈东. 日本血吸虫幼虫在钉螺及外睾吸虫钉螺发育的比较。中国人兽共患病学报,2009, 25(12 ):1120-1134。
9. 唐崇惕, 卢明科, 郭跃, 王逸难, 陈东. 日本血吸虫幼虫在先感染外睾吸虫后不同时间钉螺体内被生物控制效果的比较。中国人兽共患病学报,2010, 26(11):989-994.
10. 唐崇惕郭跃卢明科陈东 先感染外睾吸虫的钉螺其分泌物和血淋巴细胞对日本血吸虫幼虫的反应。中国人兽共患病学报,2012,28(2):97-102。
荣誉、奖励及参加学术团体的情况(Honors and awards, Professional service)
部级奖二项(1988年国家教委科技一等奖; 2003国家教育部科技二等奖;);