黄建华(Kin W. Wong)
职 称: 教授
邮 箱: kin.wong@adtech.com.tw
研究方向: 核电工程仿真技术
Ph.D. in Nuclear Engineering from the University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA);
B.S. in Physics from Stanford University.
Kin W. Wong, Ph. D., PE, has been the President of A-D Technology, Inc. (ADTech) since its founding in 1988. ADTech is a Taiwan company specializing in nuclear power plant instrumentation and control, computer and information systems. He has over 35 years experience in the industry. Prior to being the president of ADTech he was manager of the utilities application group at Quadrex Corporation, a U.S. company. He was in charge of all computer related projects for U.S. utilities, supervising many project managers and engineers responsible for numerous multi-million dollar projects.
He is the founder of ADTech. Under his leadership, ADTech has performed successfully many computer related projects for Taiwan Power Company (Taipower) and U.S. suppliers. Major projects completed recently include:
Full Scope Simulator (FSS) for Lungmen Advanced Boiling Water Reactor (ABWR)
Validation of Invensys DCIS systems for the Lungmen Project
Validation of Interfaces between Safety and Non-Safety Systems for the Lungmen Project
He is a certified Professional Engineer in the State of California.
He is a senior member of IEEE and American Nuclear Society (ANS).
He has authored numerous technical reports and papers.