

作者:聚创中国药大考研网-小黑老师 点击量:691 2013-08-01



  担任国家863计划评审专家、国家自然科学基金评审专家和农业部兽药审评专家;担任Journal of Medicinal Chemistry, Current Medicinal Chemistry,European Journal of Medicinal Chemistry, Bioorganic & Medicinal Chemistry 等杂志特邀审稿人。

  非肽类血管紧张素II受体拮抗剂的设计与合成研究;AT1受体拮抗剂类新药氯沙坦、依贝沙坦、坎地沙坦的合成工艺研究;血管紧张素AT1受体和内皮素ETA受体双重拮抗剂的研究;新型抗高血压药物及抗心衰药物的研究;新型α1-受体阻断剂及钙拮抗剂的研究;选择性环氧化酶II抑制剂的研究;非苯二氮卓类GABAA受体激动剂的研究;COX-2/5-LOX双重抑制剂的研究;23-羟基白桦酸的结构改造与生物活性研究;喜树碱的结构修饰与生物活性研究;天然活性产物XJP的全合成及其类似物的设计合成研究;冬凌草甲素的结构修饰与生物活性研究;手性Ocotillol型人参皂苷衍生物的设计合成研究;在日本近畿大学完成了天然活性产物Gregatin B的全合成研究。

  “重大新药创制”国家重大科技专项:一类抗高血压新药ATPT的研究(化学药品注册分类Ⅰ)(2009ZX09102-036);国家自然科学基金面上项目:新血管紧张素II受体拮抗剂的设计、合成及生物活性研究(No. 30371688);国家自然科学基金面上项目:以天然活性产物冬凌草甲素结构为模板的创新药物分子设计与评价的探索研究(30973610);教育部科学技术研究重点项目:冬凌草甲素的结构改造与生物活性研究(108069);江苏省自然科学基金项目:新型非甾体抗炎药COX-2抑制剂的研究(BK2004109);江苏省自然科学基金项目:新型AT1/ETA双重受体拮抗剂的设计合成、生物活性及其构效关系研究(BK2008344)。作为第一参加者参与了江苏省医药科技攻关项目:抗高血压新药ATPT的研究(BG2006610);国家自然科学基金面上项目:天然产物 23-羟基白桦酸的结构改造与生物活性研究(30472083);国家自然科学基金面上项目:天然产物XJP及其类似物的合成、生物活性及其构效关系研究(30873144);重大新药创制”国家重大科技专项:抗高血压候选药物XJP的研究(化学药品注册分类Ⅰ)(2009ZX09103-128)。


  (1)  Jinyi Xu, Yi Zeng, Xiao Ming WU, et al. Synthesis and biological activity of 2-alkylbenzimidazoles bearing a N-phenylpyrrole moiety as novel angiotensin II AT1 receptor antagonists. Bioorg. & Med. Chem. Lett., 2007, 17 (10): 2921-2926.
  (2)  Jinyi Xu, Qian RAN, Xiao Ming WU, et al. Design and Synthesis of 2-Alkylbenzimidazole Derivatives as Novel Non-peptide Angiotensin II AT1 Receptor Antagonists. Chin. Chem. Lett., 2007, 18: 251-254.
  (3)  Yi Bi, Jinyi Xu*, Xiaoming Wu et al. Synthesis and Cytotoxic activity of 17-Carboxylic Acid Modified 23-Hydroxy Betulinic Acid Ester Derivatives. Bioorg. & Med. Chem. Lett., 2007, 17(5): 1475-1478.
  (4)  Yi Bi, Jinyi Xu*, Xiaoming Wu et al. Synthesis and Anti-tumor Activity of 30- Hydroxy Derivative s of -Hydroxy Betulinic Acid. J. Chin. Pharm. Univ., 2007, 38 (2): 108-111.
  (5)  Qian Ran, Jinyi Xu*, Xiao Ming Wu, et al. Advances in the research of Oridonin. Pharm. Clin. Res,2007, 15(2): 91-95.
  (6)  Zhen Wei, Jinyi Xu*, Xiao Ming Wu, et al. Development of Novel Dual Angiotesin II and Endothelin Receptor Antagonists. Progress. Pharm. Sci., 2006, 30(5): 193-197.
  (7)  Yi Zeng, Jinyi Xu*, Xiao Ming Wu, et al. The advances in R&D of selective COX-2 inhibitors. Chin. J. New Drug, 2006, 15(6), 410-415.
  (8)  Jinyi Xu, Qianhui He, Xiao Ming Wu, et al. Synthesis and Biological Activities of 4-Substituted-5-Alky-2,4-Dihydro-2-[3-Chloride-4-Fluorophenyl]-3H-1,2,4-Triazol-3-one Derive-
  rivatives. Chin. J. Org. Chem., 2006, 26(1): 123-128.
  (9)  Jinyi Xu, Hequan Yao, Xiaoming Wu. et al. Synthesis and Anti-inflammatory Activities of Diaryl-Substituted-1,2,4-Trizole Derivatives. J. Chem. Chin. Univ., 2005, 26(12): 2254-2258.
  (10) Jinyi Xu, Xiaoming Wu. Hua Wei-yi, et al. Synthesis of 5-Amido-1H-imidazo [5,4-b] pyridine Derivatives and their AngiotensinⅡ Receptor Antagonistic Activities. J. Chem. Chin. Univ., 2005, 26(6): 1067-1071.
  (11) Matsuo K, Kanayama M, Jinyi Xu, et al. Concise Formal Synthesis of (S)-Gregatin B. Heterocycles, 2005, 65(7): 1609-1614.
  (12) Jinyi Xu, Nianning Ji, Xiaoming Wu, et al. QSAR Studies of AngiotensinⅡAT1 Receptor Antagonists. J. Chin. Pharm. Univ., 2005, 36(2): 99-105.
  (13) Jinyi Xu, Wu Xiao-ming, Hua Wei-yi, et al. 4/-[(Triazolinone-1-yl) methyl] biphenyl- 2-sulfonamides Derivatives as Dual AngiotensinⅡ/ Endothelin A Receptor Antagonists. Drugs Fut., 2004, 29(Suppl. A): 266-267.
  (14) Jinyi Yang, Jinyi Xu*, Xiao Ming Wu, et al. Research on the Anti-tumor Natural Products.
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  (15) Bo Jiang, Jinyi Xu*, Xiao Ming Wu, et al. Advances in the Research on the Dual Cyclooxygenase-2(COX-2) and 5-Lipoxygenase (5-LOX) Inhibitors. Chin. J. Mod. Appl. Pharm., 2008, 25(2): 109-114.
  (16) Jinyi Xu*, Jingyi Yang, Qian Ran, Xiaoming Wu. et al. Synthesis and biological evaluation of novel 1-O- and 14-O-derivatives of oridonin as potential anticancer drug candidates. Bioorg. & Med. Chem. Lett., 2008, 18: 4741-4744.
  (17) Li Zhi Fu, Jinyi Xu*, He Quan Yao and Xiao Ming Wu. A synthesis of 4H-1, 4-benzothiazines. J. Chem. Res., 2008, (10): 566–567.
  (18) Jinyi Xu, Bo Jiang, Xiao Ming Wu, et al. Synthesis,anti-inflammatory activities and SAR studies of 1, 5-diarylsubstitued-1, 2, 4-trizoles. Chin. J. Med. Chem. 2008, 18(5), 321-328.
  (19) Diliang Guo, Jinyi Xu, Hualiang Jiang, and Hong Liu. Efficient Iron-Catalyzed N-Arylation of Aryl Halides with Amines. Organic Letters, 2008, 10, 4513-4516.
  (20) Bei Yan, Guangji Wang, Xiaoming Wu, Jinyi Xu, et al. Identification of the major metabolites of 1-(2,6-dichlorophenyl)-3-n-butyl-1,4-dihydro-4-{4-[2-(1H-tetrazole-5-yl)-1H- pyrrol-1-yl]phenylmethyl}-5H-1,2,4-triazol-5-one, a newangiotensin type 1 receptor antagonist, in rat bile by HPLC-diode array detection-MS and HPLC-MS/MS. Biomed. Chromatog., 2007, 21: 912-924.
  (21) Bei Yan, Guangji Wang, Xiaoming Wu, Jinyi Xu, et al. Determination of 1-(2,6-dichloro- phenyl)-3-n-butyl-1,4-dihydro-4-{4-[2-(1H-tetrazole-5-yl)-1H-pyrrol-1-yl]phenylmethyl}-5H-1,2,4-triazol-5-one, a newangiotensin type 1 receptor antagonist in rat plasma by LC-ESI-MS: Application to pharmacokinetic studies. Chromatographia, 2007, 66: 55-61.
  (22) Yu Wang, Qiujuan Wang, Jinyi Xu, et al. [Ca2+]i and PKC-a are involved in the inhibitory effects of Ib, a novel nonpeptide AngiotensinII subtype AT1 receptor antagonist, on AngiotensinII-induced vascular contraction in vitro. Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications, 2007,364:118-123.
  (23) Jie Liu, Jinyi Xu *, Xiaoming Wu. et al. Total synthesis and antihypertensive activity of 7, 8-dihydroxy-3-methyl-isochromanone-4. Bioorg. & Med. Chem. Lett., 2009, 19: 1822-1824.
  (24) Peiqing Zhu, Yi Bi, Jinyi Xu *, Xiaoming Wu. et al. Terpenoids. III: Synthesis and biological evaluation of 23-hydroxybetulinic acid derivatives as novel inhibitors of glycogen phosphorylase. Bioorg. & Med. Chem. Lett., 2009, 19: 6966–6969.
  (25) Bo Jiang, Yi Zeng, Jinyi Xu *, Xiaoming Wu. et al. Design, Synthesis, and Biological Evaluation of 1, 5-Diarylsubstitued-1, 2, 4-triazole Derivatives as Selective Cyclooxygenase-2 Inhibitors. Archiv der Pharmazie, 2010, 9:500-508.
  (26) Diliang Guo, Jinyi Xu, Hong Liu, et al. Ligand-free Iron/Copper Cocatalyzed N-Arylations of Aryl Halides with Amines under Microwave Irradiation. Green Chemistry., 2010, 12, 276–281.
  (27) Yue Huang, Jinyi Xu, Xiaoming Wu, Hequan Yao. et al. Oxidation of 4-carboxylate
  thiazolines to 4-carboxylate thiazoles by molecular oxygen. Tetrahedron Letters. 2010,
  (28) Bingfeng Sun, Chaolei Wang, Jinyi Xu, Guoqiang Lin. Concise Approach to the Core of Englerin A via an Organocatalytic [4+3] Cycloaddition Reaction. Tetrahedron. Lett., 2011, 52, 2155-2158.
  (29) Lei Wang, Dahong Li, Jinyi Xu *. et al. Recent Progress in the Development of Natural ent-Kaurene Diterpenoids with Anti-tumor Activity. Mini-Reviews in Medicinal Chemistry 2011, 11: 41-48.
  (30) Wang Lei, Ran Qian, Li Dahong, Jinyi Xu *. et al. Synthesis and Biological Evaluation of 14-O-Derivatives of Natural Oridonin. Chin. J. Nat. Med., 2011, 9(3): 194-198.

  (1)主编《药物化学》2006年6月, 化学工业出版社
  (3)参编《药物化学》2005年2月, 科学技术文献出版社

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