作者:聚创中国海大考研网-小黑老师 点击量:1141 2012-11-17
Harris P.J., Wang H., Chakrabarti R. and Henwood D. ‘Stability analysis of the collocation method for retarded potentiaintegraequation’, Journaof ComputationaAcoustics ,Vo. 13, No. 2, p287-299,2005.
Harris P.J., Wang H., Chakrabarti R. and Henwood D. ‘A method for modelling nonharmonic periodic acoustic radiation from a loudspeaker’, IntegraMethods in Science and Engineering: Analytic and NumericaTechniques, p73-78, 2004.
Wang H., Harris P.J., Chakrabarti R. and Henwood D. ‘Modelling transient acoustic radiation using the retarded potentiaintegraequation method’, Proceedings of the 4th UK Conference on Boundary IntegraMethods, p57-66, 2003.
王辉, 孙文心. ‘自适应网格应用于黄海潮流模拟’, 青岛海洋大学学报, V.29, N.4, p556-562, 1999.
Sun W.X., Wang H and Liu G.M. ‘Circulation and front induced by tide in the Yellow Sea’, Biogeochemica
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Liu S.T. and Wang H. ‘Necessary and sufficient conditions for oscillations of a class of delay partiadifference equations’, Dynamic Systems and Applications, V.7, N.4, p495-500, 1998.
Zhang B.G. and Wang H. ‘The existence of non-oscillatory and oscillatory solutions of neutradifference equations’, Dynamic Systems and Applications, V.6, p411-428, 1997.
Zhang B.G. and Wang H. ‘The existence of oscillatory and non-oscillatory solutions of neutradifference equations’, Chinese Journaof Mathematics, V.24, N.4, p377-393, 1996
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