作者:聚创湖大考研网-小黑老师 点击量:1693 2015-08-05
Amir Khajepour,男 ,1962.03,教授,工学博士Amir Khajepour博士为湖南大学“外专千人”特聘教授。现为滑铁卢大学终身教授,任滑铁卢汽车研究中心主任,长期从事汽车机电系统,机器人及自动化等领域的学术研究,研究领域涉及电池及电池管理系统,电动车建模与仿真,整车控制和优化,以及智能车辆等。在其研究领域发表超过270篇论文,出版3本书, 并3次获得最佳国际会议论文奖。Khajepour教授不仅在学术领域取得了卓越的成就,同时在科研成果转化方面也很突出。目前已独立创立两个新兴高科技公司,并拥有10项美国专利。基于其卓越贡献和重要国际学术影响力,被授予加拿大国家讲席教授(汽车机电系统方向)(Canada Research Chair,加拿大学术研究最高荣誉称号),美国机械工程师学会(ASME)会士和加拿大机械工程师学会(CSME)会士,并多次被邀请做大会特邀报告以及担任政府访问代表团学术专家代表。任国际汽车期刊《Int. J. of Vehicle Autonomous Systems》和《Int. J. of Powertrains》编委。
E-mail: akhajepour@uwaterloo.ca
1 ,2010-2013Next Generation Electric Vehicles: Development of Key Technologies and Full Vehicle testing Automotive Partnership Canada
2,Green Intelligent Transportation System,2010-2014
3, Mechatronic Vehicle Systems,2008-2012
4,Air-Hybrid and Variable Valvetrain Systems: Improving the Efficiency of Internal Combustion Engines,2011-2015
5,Electric Drive Feasibility Study,2008-2008
6,New Pneumatic Suspension System with Independent Stiffness and Ride-Height Tuning Capabilities for Heavy Vehicles,2010-2011
7,Innovations in Coating/Refurbishment/Fabrication of Cutting Tools, Dies, and High Value machine components using Automated Laser Cladding,2009-2011
8,Semi-Active Suspension Control Module L-3 Communication,2010-2010
9,Power system management and optimization tool for space missions ,2008-2010
10,Marketing and Commercialization of Reactive Planar Suspension (RPS) systems to the Hand Truck Industry,2008-2009
11, Development of a novel air-hybrid engine,2008-2009
12, Development of Revolutionary Reactive Planar Suspension Systems for Road Vehicles,2007-2009
1986-1989 Mashad 机械工程 学士
1989-1991 Sharif University of Technology机械工程 硕士
1992-1996University of Waterloo 机械工程 博士
1996-1997 University of Waterloo 博士后
1997-2001 University of Waterloo 助理教授
2001-2005 University of Waterloo副教授
2007-2010 University of Waterloo IAMI-学术主任
2005-至今 University of Waterloo教授
2008-至今 University of Waterloo Tier I-加拿大研究主任
2009-至今 University of Waterloo 滑铁卢汽车研究中心主任
[1] Optimal sensor location in laminated die system;ASME Journal of Dynamic Systems, Measurement and Control;2012-134-2 ;SCI期刊
[2]Application of Adaptive Sliding Mode Control Regenerative Braking Torque Control; IEEE/ASME Transactions on Mechatronics;2012-17-4 ;SCI期刊
[3]A Novel Compression Strategy for Air Hybrid Engines ;Journal of Applied Energy;2011-88-9;SCI期刊
[4] Multidisciplinary Optimization of a Series Hybrid Electric Vehicle Using Genetic Algorithm;International Journal of Vehicle Design;接收;SCI期刊
[5] Novel semi-active pitch-plane interconnected suspension;Journal of Vehicle System Dynamics ;接收;SCI期刊
[6] A new pneumatic suspension system with independent stiffness and ride height tuning capabilities;Journal of Vehicle System Dynamics;In press ;SCI期刊
[7] Ride Quality Evaluation of a Vehicle with a Planar Suspension System;Journal of Vehicle System Dynamics ;2012-50-3;SCI期刊
[8] Dynamic Response of a Vehicle with Planar Suspension System (PSS) under Differential Braking;Journal of Vehicle System Dynamics;2012-50-1;SCI期刊
[9] A new electro-hydraulic valvetrain configuration with improved lift controllability;International Journal of Powertrain;2011,vol1(3)
[10] Application of Level Set Method to the Design of Mechanical Components with a Desired Multi-Dimensional Stiffness;Journal of Vehicle System Dynamics;2011-49-1-2;SCI期刊
[11] Modelling generalisation and power dissipation of flexible-wheel suspension concept for planetary surface vehicles;Journal of Vehicle System Dynamics;2011-49-8;SCI期刊
[12] An Efficient Lift Control Technique in Electro-Hydraulic Camless Valvetrain Using Variable Speed Hydraulic Pump ;SAE International Journal of Engines;2011,vol4
[13] Handling Transient Response of a Vehicle with Planar Suspension Systems (PSS);Journal of Automobile Engineering;2011-225-D11;SCI期刊
[14] Analysis of Bounded Cable Tensions in Cable-actuated Manipulators;IEEE Transactions on Robotics;2011-27-5 ;SCI期刊
[15] Regenerative braking torque control of air hybrid engines with cam-based valvetrains;International Journal of Powertrain;2011,vol1(2)
[16] Design and Optimization of an Anti-Idling System for Police Vehicles;International Journal of Vehicle Design;接收;SCI期刊
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