作者:聚创大工考研网-小黑老师 点击量:653 2011-12-22
院系: 材料科学与工程学院
办公电话: 0411-84709230
电子信箱: yefei@dlut.edu.cn
更新时间: 2011-10-20
其他专业: 无
1994.9-1999.7 清华大学材料科学与工程系,学士学位。 1999.9-2004.7 清华大学材料科学与工程系,硕士和博士学位(直推研究生,硕博连读)。 2004.10 - 2006.10 日本物质材料研究机构(NIMS),燃料电池材料中心,JSPS博士后研究员。 2006.10 - 2008.3 日本物质材料研究机构(NIMS),燃料电池材料中心,NIMS博士后研究员。 2008.4 – 2010.3 日本物质材料研究机构(NIMS),燃料电池材料中心,研究员(终身正式职位)。 2008.10 – 2010.3 日本北见工业大学,工学部,客员副教授。 2010.3至今 大连理工大学,材料科学与工程学院,教授。
F. Ye, T. Mori, D. R. Ou, J. Zou, J. Drennan, S. Nakayama, M. Miyayama, “Effect of Nickel Diffusion on the Microstructure of Gd-Doped Ceria (GDC) Electrolyte Film Supported by Ni-GDC Cermet Anode”, Solid State Ionics, 181 (2010) 646-652.
F. Ye, T. Mori, D. R. Ou, J. Zou, J. Drennan, “A Structure Model of Nano-Sized Domains in Gd-Doped Ceria”, Solid State Ionics, 180 (2009) 1414-1420.
F. Ye, T. Mori, D. R. Ou, A. N. Cormack, “Dopant Type Dependency of Domain Development in Rare-Earth-Doped Ceria: An Explanation by Computer Simulation of Defect Clusters”, Solid State Ionics, 180 (2009), 1127-1132.
F. Ye, T. Mori, D. R. Ou, A. N. Cormack, R.J. Lewis, J. Drennan, “Simulation of Ordering in Large Defect Clusters in Gadolinium-Doped Ceria”, Solid State Ionics, 179 (2008), 1962-1967.
F. Ye, T. Mori, D. R. Ou, G. Auchterlonie, J. Zou, J. Drennan, “Compositional and Structural Characteristics of Nano-Sized Domains in Gadolinium-Doped Ceria”, Solid State Ionics, 179(2008), 827-831.
F. Ye, T. Mori, D. R. Ou, M. Takahashi, J. Zou, J. Drennan, “Ionic Conductivities and Microstructures of Ytterbium Doped Ceria”, Journal of the Electrochemical Society, 154 (2007), B180-B185.
F. Ye, W.-Z. Zhang, D. Qiu, “Near Coincidence Sites Modeling of the Edge Facet Dislocation Structures of α Precipitates in a Ti-7.26wt%Cr Alloy”, Acta Materialia, 54 (2006), 5377-5384.
F. Ye, W.-Z. Zhang, “Dislocation Structure of Non-Habit Plane of α Precipitates in a Ti-7.26wt%Cr Alloy”, Acta Materialia, 54 (2006), 871-879.
F. Ye, W.-Z. Zhang, D. Qiu, “A TEM Study of the Habit Plane Structure of Intragrainular Proeutectoid α Precipitates in a Ti–7.26 wt%Cr Alloy”, Acta Materialia, 52 (2004), 2449-2460.
F. Ye, W.-Z. Zhang, “Coincidence Structures of Interfacial Steps and Secondary Misfit Dislocations in the Habit Plane between Widmanstatten Cementite and Austenite”, Acta Materialia, 50 (2002), 2761-2777.
专利一项 Patent Number(s): JP2010251297-A Title: Cathode material e.g. used for cathodes for sensors comprises platinum particles as electrode substance, and carbon particle as electrically conductive substance. The platinum particle is supported by ceria particle surface Inventor Name(s): YE F; OU D R; MORI T; FUGANE K; FUKANE K Patent Assignee(s): DOKURITSU GYOSEI HOJIN BUSSHITSU ZAIRYO (NIMS) Derwent Primary Accession No.: 2010-N70249
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