作者:聚创交大考研网-小黑老师 点击量:3104 2015-08-10
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张磊教授的研究领域包括公共经济学、教育经济学、中国经济、中国财政问题。她的论文已发表在Journal of Development Economics, Journal of Law and Economics, Journal of Policy Analysis and Management, Journal of Human Capital, Education Economics, 和经济研究等期刊。教学兴趣包括公共经济学(公共财政)、计量经济学等。
2013年8月-- 今 副教授,上海交通大学安泰经济与管理学院
2010年9月-- 2013年8月 研究员、所长助理,清华大学财政税收研究所
2011年7月-- 2013年8月 访问学者,美国加州大学(伯克利)经济系
2007年8月-- 2008年8月 国家研究员,美国斯坦福大学胡佛研究研究所
2004年8月-- 2011年5月 助教授,美国克莱蒙森大学 教育背景:
American Economic Journal: Applied Economics, American Economic Journal: Economic Policy, B.E. Journal of Economic Analysis and Policy, China Economic Review, Economics Bulletin, Economic Development and Cultural Change, Economic Inquiry, Economic Journal, Economics of Education Review, Education Economics, Education Finance and Policy, Educational Evaluation and Policy Analysis, Economic Research Journal, Frontiers of Education in China, Journal of Development Economics, Journal of Human Resources, National Science Foundation, Public Choice, Review of Economics and Statistics, Southern Economic Journal, Studies in Educational Evaluation
"Human Capital, Technology Adoption, and Firm Performance: Impacts of China's Higher Education Expansion in the Late 1990s" (with Yi Che), March 2015
"General Education, Vocational Education, and Labor Market Outcomes over the Life-Cycle" (with Eric Hanushek and Ludger Woessmann), NBER Working Paper w17504 and CESifo Working Paper 3614, October 2011
"Social Security Taxation and Compliance: The Chinese Evidence" (with Jie Mao and Jing Zhao), April 2013
"The Effect of Investment Tax Incentives: Evidence from China's Value-Added Tax Reform" (with Yuyu Chen and Zongyan He), May 2013
"The Incentive Effects of Top 10% Plan" (with Kalena Cortes), September 2010, under revision
"Consumption Taxes, Income Taxes, and Saving: Evidence from OECD Countries" (with William Dougan), May 2009, under revision
"Political Economy of Income Distribution Dynamics," Journal of Development Economics, August 2008, 87(1), 119-139.
"Quality-Consistent Estimates of International Schooling and Skill Gradients" (with Eric A. Hanushek), Journal of Human Capital, Summer 2009, 3(2), 107-143.
"The Effects of Welfare Reform on the Academic Performance of Children in Low-Income Households" (with Amalia R. Miller), Journal of Policy Analysis and Management, Fall 2009, 28(4), 577-599.
"A Value-Added Estimate of Higher Education Quality of U.S. States" Education Economics, December 2009, 17(4), 469-489.
"Intergenerational Effects of Welfare Reform on Educational Attainment" (with Amalia Miller), Journal of Law and Economics, May 2012, 55(2), 437-476.
"Classroom Peer Effects and Academic Achievement: Evidence from a Chinese Middle School" (with Katherine Carman), China Economic Review, June 2012, 23(2), 223-237.
"Effects of College Educational Debt on Graduate School Attendance and Early Career and Life Choices" Education Economics, 2013, 21(2), 154-175.
"Public Education Spending and Private Substitution in Urban China" (with Cheng Yuan), Journal of Development Economics, July 2015, 115: 124-139.
"现代货币数量论及其启示" 经济学动态,1996(7): 54-56.
"对低收入家庭子女大学收益的观察" (与袁诚合作),经济研究,2009(5): 42-51.
"地方教育投入对城镇家庭教育支出行为的影响:对我国城镇家庭动态重复截面数据的一个估计"(与袁诚、曾颖合作),经济学动态,2013(3): 29-35."社会保险缴费率、参保概率与工资结构:对职工和企业逃避费行为的经验研究" (与毛捷、赵静合作),经济学季刊,已接受
以上是聚创考研网为考生整理的"上海交通大学安泰经济与管理学院导师介绍:张磊"的相关考研信息,希望对大家考研备考有所帮助! 备考过程中如有疑问,也可以添加老师微信juchuang911进行咨询。