作者:聚创北航考研网-小黑老师 点击量:941 2011-12-06
姓名: 宋玉军
性别: 男
出生年份: 1971
职称: 副教授
院系: 材料科学与工程学院
首次聘任导师时间: 2008
现聘任导师一级学科名称: 材料科学与工程
现聘任导师二级学科名称: 材料物理与化学
聘任在第二学科培养博士生专业名称: 无
聘任在自主设置学科培养博士生专业名称: 无
主要研究方向及特色: 1.纳微米材料和结构的制备及器件化 (1) 磁,电,光功能纳米材料及其在生物医学工程,信息和能源技术上的应用 (2) 微流体反应器的制备及在特种材料制备上的应用 2.天然大分子的改性和应用 3.工业废弃物的综合治理和纳米资源化工程(如造纸废水,钛白粉厂污水,电镀液废水)
电子信箱: songyj@buaa.edu.cn
办公电话: 10-82316192
办公地点: 新主楼D444
通信地址: 北京市海淀区学院路37号
1. Education Background
1997-2000: Materials Science and Engineering Dept. Beijing University of Chemical Technology, Ph. D
1994-1997: Polymer Science and Engineering Dept., Beijing University of Chemical Technology, M. S.
1988-1992: Chemical Engineering Dept., Nanjing Institute of Chemical Technology, B. S.
2. Working Experience
2008-present: School of Materials Science and Engineering, Beihang University, Beijing 100191, China, Associate Prof.
2005-2008: Jefferson Lab, Applied Research Center at Old Dominion University, Newport News, VA 23606, USA, Research Associate
2000-2005: Center for Advanced Microstructures and Devices, Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge LA 70806, USA, PostDoc and Research Associate
3. Research Introduction
Dr. Song has been worked at Center for Advanced Microstructures and Devices jointing with Pennington Medical Research Center at Louisiana State University, Applied Research Center at Old Dominion University and Jefferson Lab in Virginia of USA, as Research Associate, after he obtained his Ph D in Materials Science and Engineering in 2000. His areas are focusing in Fabrication of Micro and Nano Materials and Structures and their Instrumentation for sensing system and controlled synthesis process. He contributes significantly in the fabrication of magnetic and/or optical nanomaterials for ultra-sensitive magnetic units, and bio-functinalization of these nanomaterials as smart bioprobes.
He invented the semi-solid sealing process in microfabrication and developed sequence kinetics controlled microfluidic processes (SKCMFR) for the controlled synthesis of nanomaterials. Lot of types of nanoparticles (NPs) with controlled sizes, shapes, crystal structures and properties (such as Fe, Co, Fe3O4, Co@Au, Fe@Cu) have been successfully synthesized by the novel SKCMFR process. He also developed one new functionalization process of NPs to reduce the non-specific absorption by introducing single NP probes and stable hydroxyl groups, to improve the specific targeting by controlled introducing the binding sites in individual NPs. This process resolves the tough key issue in the finctionalization of NPs. At the same time, he developed a methodology to correlate the localized surface plasmonic resonance of single nano-optics with their local surface morphologies and realized the detection of near fields by the far field devices for remote monitoring the signal transducer in EM fields ignited by the changes of molecule properties, which has been used in the cell imaging and interaction investigation of biomolecules in vivo. In addition, he has been organizing the project on the fabrication of nanocrystalline materials with giant magneto-impedance micro-magnetic sensor and its application for geomagnetic navigation and has achieved much progress.
4.Current Research Field
(1)Fabrication of Nano-Micro Materials, Structures and Devices;
(i) Magnetic, Optoelectronic and Plasmonic Nanomaterials and their Applicaiton in Biomedical Engineering, Information and Energy Technology;
(ii) Fabricaiton of Microfluidic reactors and their application
(2)Modification of Macromoleculars and their Advanced Applications.
5. Funds
(1)程序变温微流控制备核壳纳米晶材料, 国家自然科学基金, 2010-2012
(2)超软磁性高力学性能的非晶纳米复相合金的制备及结构与性能研究, 教育部新教师基金, 2009-2010
(3)非晶合金基纳微米结构的制备及其性能研究,北航新教师条件建设经费, 2009-2010
(4)CT检测用金属纳米分子探针的制备, 北京大学前沿交叉学科研究院,2011-2012
(5)木质素的提纯和多功能化,2009-2011, 北京嘉禾木
(6)涤纶丝的非晶纳米晶材料功能改性, 2011-2013, 江苏双创基金
(7)生物无机化学的双语教学研究, 2010-2011
6.Recent Publications
[1] Xu X-H N, Song Y and Nallathamby P, “Probing Membrane Transport of Single Live Cells using Single Molecule Detection and Single Nanoparticle Assay”, Chapter 3 in book “New Frontiers in Ultrasensitive Bioanalysis”, Series editor: Winefordner,J. D.. John Wiley & Son, Inc.: New York, Vol. 1, p 41-70. ISBN 10.1002/0470119500.
[2] Song Yujun, "Fabrication of Nanomaterials via Nanoaphere Lithography” in book “Lithography/book 2”, 35 pages, IN-TECH, ISBN979-953-307-203-5, 2011, in press
[1] Yujun Song, Ruixue Wang, Rong Rong, Jie Ding, Jing Liu, Runsheng Li, Zhenghua Liu, Hao Li, Xiaoying Wang, Jue Zhang, Jing Fang, Synthesis of Well-dispersed Aqueous-phase Magnetite Nanoparticles and their Metabolism as MRI Contrast Agent for Reticuloendothelial System. Eur. J. Inorg. Chem.(IF = 2.909), in press.
[2] Yujun Song, Qiangqiang Sun, Yanwei Jiang, Tao Zhang, Sansheng Wang, Jiancheng Fang, Crystal Structure Transition of Cobalt Amorphous Alloys under Field Annealing. J. Nanosci. Nanotech. (IF= 1.351), in press
[3] Yujun Song, Runsheng Li, Qiangqiang Sun, Pengyun Jin, Controlled Growth of Nanoparticles in a Tubular Microfluidic Reactor. Chemical Engineering Journal (IF = 3.074) 2011,168,477-484.
[4] Song , Y.; Zhang, Z.; Elsayled-Ali, H. E.; Wang, H.; Zou, S.; Wang, Q.; Henry, L. L.; Zhang, T., Identification of Single Nanoparticles. Nanoscale (IF = 7.0) 2011,3(1),31-44.
[5] Song , Y., Fabrication of Multi-level 3-Dimension Microstructures by Phase Inversion Process. Nano-Micro Letters 2010,2(2),95-100.
[6] Song , Y.; Jin, P.; Zhang, T., Microfluidic Synthesis of Fe Nanoparticles. Mater. Lett.(IF =2.194) 2010,64, 1789-1792.
[7] Song, Y.; Elsayed-Ali, H. E., Aqueous Phase Ag Nanoparticles with Controlled Shapes Fabricated by a Modified Nanosphere Lithography and their Optical Properties. Appl. Surf. Sci. 2010 (IF = 1.895), 256(20), 5961-5967.
[8] Song, Y.; Sun, S.; Zhang, T.; Jin, P.; Han, L., Synthesis of Worm and Chain-like Nanoparticles by a Microfluidic Reactor Process. J. Nanopart. Res. 2010, 12, 2689-2697.
[9] Jiang, Y.; Fang, J.; Wang, S.; Song, Y., A Sensitive Magnetic Field Sensor Utilizing the Giant Magneto-Impedance Effect in Field-Annealed Co-Based Amorphous Ribbons. Sensor Letters 2010, 8(2), 314-319.
[10] Y Song, P D. Nallathamby, T Huang, Hani E. Elsayed-Ali, X-H N. Xu, Correlation and Characterization of 3D Morphological Dependent Localized Surface Plasmon Resonance Spectra of Single Silver Nanoparticles Using Dark-field Optical Microscopy and AFM, J. Phys. Chem. C (IF = 4.520),2010,114,74-81.
[11] Y Song, L L Henry and W Yang, In-situ Rapid Cooling Formation of Amorphous Co Nanoparticles via a Microfluidic Reactor Process, Langmuir (IF = 4.268) 2009, 25(17),10209-17.
[12] Y Song and L L Henry, Nearly Mono-dispersion CoSm Alloy Nanoparticles Formed by an In-situ Rapid Cooling and Passivating Microfluidic Process,Nanoscale Research Letter (IF = 2.560),2009, 4, 1130-34.
[13] W.J. Yuan, F.J. Liu, S.J. Pang, Y.J. Song and T. Zhang, Core loss characteristics of Fe-based amorphous alloys, Intermetallics (IF = 2.327) 2009, 17, 278-280.
[14] Yanwei Jiang, Jiancheng Fang, Xuegong Huang, Yujun Song, Selection of sensing materials for sensor application based on giant magneto impedance effect,Gongnengcailiao (EI), 2009, 1(40),1-6.
[15] Jiang Yanwei, Fang Jiancheng, Han Peipei, Song Yujun, Huang Xuegong and Zhang Tao, Design of GMI micro-magnetic sensor based on Co-based amorphousalloys for space applications, Proc. of SPIE (EI) Vol. 7133, 71331L-1-8.
[16] Y Song, Challa Kumar and Josef Hormes, Microfluidic Synthesis of Nanomaterials, Small (IF = 7.333), 2008, 4 (6) 698-711.
[17] Y Song, Tao Zhang, Wantai Yang and Sacharia Albin, Fine Crystal Structure Transition of Cobalt Nanoparticles Formed in a Microfluidic Reactor. Crystal Growth & Design (IF = 4.389) 2008, 8(10), 3766-3772.
[18] Makhin Thitsa, Y Song, Sacharia Albin, Effect of Oxidation, Etching and Thin Film Deposition on Silicon Photonic Crystal, J. Elec. Chem. Soc.(IF = 2.420) 2008, 155(6) H351.
[19] Y Song, Challa Kumar and Josef Hormes, Microfluidic Synthesis Cobalt Nanoparticle using a micro fluidic system, Chem Mater (IF = 6.397) 2006 18(12), 2817-2727.
[20] Y Song and Changgeng Liu, Waste-reducing Preparation of PE-g-MAH and PE-g-DBM via Solid Phase Grafting Reaction and their Application as Compatibilizers, Journal of Applied Polymer Science (IF = 1.240) 2006, 101 (5), 3781-3790.
[21] Y Song, E. E. Domes, Challa Kumar, John Prindle and Josef Hormes, Mechanistic Aspects of Cu Nanoparticle Formation: Towards Development of a Micro fluidic Synthesis, J Phys Chem B (IF = 3.603)2005, 109(19), 9330-9338 .
[22] Y Song, Patricia Sun, L. L. Henry and Benhui Sun, Mechanism for Structure and Performance Controlled Preparation of Thin Film Composite Membrane via Interfacial Polymerization. J. Membr. Sci.(IF = 3.673)2005, 251(1-2), 67-79.
[23] Y Song, Fuan Liu and Benhui Sun, Preparation, characterization, and application of thin film composite nanofiltration membranes. Journal of Applied Polymer Science 2005 95(5), 1251-1261.
[24] Y Song, Kathy Hart and Kerry Dooley, Waste-Reducing Catalysis for Acylation of a Secondary Amine: Synthesis of DEET. Catalysis Letters (IF = 1.907) 2004, 98(2-3), 69-75.
[25] Y Song, Challa Kumar and Josef Hormes, Synthesis of Palladium Nanoparticles Using a Continuous Flow Micro Reactor. Journal of NanoScience and NanoTechnology,2004, 4(7) 788-793.
[26] Y Song, Challa Kumar and Josef Hormes, Fabrication of Polymeric based Micro Fluidic Reactors Sealed by Semi-solid Transfer (FST) Process, Journal of micromechanics and microengineering (IF = 2.276) 2004, 14, 932-940.
[27] Gregor Wiche, Jost Goettert, Yujun Song, Functional Micro Devices Using “Nano particle-Photoresist” Composites. Internatioinal Journal of Computational Engineering Science 2003, 4(3), 525-28.
[1] 宋玉军,吴勇,造纸黑液中提取木质素的方法,中国发明专利号ZL. 2009 10077742.3;
[2] 宋玉军,单个纳米颗粒及其阵列基生物分子检测器的制备工艺,中国发明专利申请号:CN200910085973.9, 2009;
[3] 宋玉军,用于纳米颗粒可控制备的微流体反应器及颗粒的制备工艺,中国发明专利申请号:CN200910085974.3, 2009;
[4] 宋玉军,羧基化木质素的制备方法,中国发明专利申请号:CN 201010159677.1, 2010;
[5] 宋玉军,张涛,孙强强,超弥散纳米结构合金钢及其制备工艺,中国发明专利申请号:201010222431.4, 2010;
[6] 宋玉军,一种多层次非晶合金基微结构的制备方法,中国发明专利申请号:201010290499.6, 2010;
[7] 宋玉军,孙强强,一种多层复合丝旋转制备装置及其制备方法,中国发明专利申请号:201010262287.7 2010。
[8] 宋玉军, 张涛, 一种非晶态合金基光学聚焦镜及其制备方法,中国发明专利申请号:201110004924.5
[9] 宋玉军, 一种聚羧酸系减水剂复配剂的制备方法, 中国发明专利申请号201110102226.9.
[10]宋玉军, 一种木素铝阻燃剂及其制备方法与应用,中国发明专利申请号201110102939.5.
[11]宋玉军, 一种铁氧体纳米颗粒的制备方法, 201110102232.4.
7. Courses Offering
[1] Materials Testing Methods for International Graduate Students.
[2] English for Mateirals Science and Engineering.
[3] Inorganic Biochemistry.
以上是聚创考研网为考生整理的"北航材料科学与工程学院硕导介绍:宋玉军"的相关考研信息,希望对大家考研备考有所帮助! 备考过程中如有疑问,也可以添加老师微信juchuang911进行咨询。