

作者:聚创北航考研网-小黑老师 点击量:2028 2015-08-11




  现任IEEE通信学会北京分会(IEEE CoMSoc Beijing Chapter)主席、IEEE Trans. On Wireless Communications国际期刊编委、通信学报和信号处理学报副主任编委,为中国电子学会会士、中国电子学会信号处理学会副主任委员,曾担任ChinaCom'10的大会副主席;ChinaCom'09和CoNet’07的co-chair,多年来一直担任IEEE ICC、GlobeCom、WCNC、VTC、PIMRC和ICSP等重要国际会议的TPC成员。

  自动控制原理 自适应信号处理 时空信号处理



  在国内外重要学术期刊和会议上发表论文130余篇,申请4项国际专利和44项国家发明专利(14项已授权),向3GPP、LTE+子组、IMT-A技术工作组提交20余篇技术文稿;向IEEE 802.15.4b/4c标准组、国家短程无线通信技术标准组、国家宽带无线多媒体技术标准组提交三十余项技术提案,是IEEE802.15.4-2006国际标准和国家短程无线网络标准GB/T16529-2007的主要贡献者。 近三年部分论文: 1. Xueying Hou, Chenyang Yang and Buon Kiong Lau, “Impact of Channel Asymmetry on Performance of Downlink Base Station Cooperative Transmission with Non-orthogonal Training”, to appear, IEEE Trans. on Vehicular Technology. 2. Yafei Tian, Dan Wu, Chenyang Yang and Andreas Molisch, “Asymmetric Two-Way Relay with Doubly Nested Lattice Codes”, to appear, IEEE Trans. on Wireless Communications. 3. Tingting Liu, and Chenyang Yang,“Signal Alignment for Multicarrier Code Division Multiple User Two- Way Relay Systems”, to appear IEEE Trans. On Wireless Communications. 4. Tingting Liu and Chenyang Yang,“Equivalent Signal Alignment Based Frequency Domain Equalization for MC-CDMA Two-Way Relay Systems”,to appear, IEEE Trans. on Vehicular Technology. 5. Geoffrey Ye Li, Zhikun Xu, Cong Xiong, Chenyang Yang, Shunqing Zhang, YanChen, and Shugong Xu,“Energy-Efficient Wireless Communications: Tutorial, Survey, and Open Issues”,IEEE Wireless Communications Magazine, Dec., 2011 6. Shengqian Han, Yafei Tian and Chenyang Yang, “User-Specified Training Symbol Placement for Channel Prediction in TDD MIMO Systems”,IEEE Trans. on Vehicular Technology, vol. 60, no.6, July 2011, pp. 2837 - 2843. 7. Guodong Zhao, Chenyang Yang, Geoffrey Ye Li, Dongdong Li, and Anthony Soong, “Power and Channel Allocation for Cooperative Relay in Cognitive Radio Networks ”, IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Signal Processing,vol. 5, no. 1, Feb. 2011, pp.151-159. 8. Zhikun Xu, Chenyang Yang, “Secondary Transceiver Design in the Presence of Frequency Offset between Primary and Secondary Systems”, IEEE Trans. On Wireless Communications, vol. 9, no. 11, Nov. 2010, pp. 3461-3471. 9. Tingting Liu,Chenyang Yang, and Lieliang Yang,“Joint Transmitter-Receiver Frequency-Domain Equalization in Generalized Multicarrier Code-Division Multiplexing Systems”, IEEE Trans. on Vehicular Technology, vol.59, no.8, Oct. 2010, pp. 3786 - 3797 10. Tingting Liu,Chenyang Yang, and Lieliang Yang,“A Low-Complexity Subcarrier-Power Allocation Scheme for Frequency-Division Multiple-Access systems”, IEEE Trans. on Wireless Communications, vol.9, no.3, May 2010, pp1571-1576. 11. Guodong Zhao, Jun Ma, Geoffrey Ye Li, Tao Wu, Young H. Kwon, Anthony Soong, and Chenyang Yang, “Spatial Spectrum Holes for Cognitive Radio with Relay-Assisted Directional Transmission”, IEEE Trans. On Wireless Communications, vol. 8, no. 10, Oct. 2009, pp. 5270-5279. 12. Guodong Zhao, Geoffrey Ye Li, and Chenyang Yang, “Proactive detection of spectrum opportunities in primary systems with power control”, IEEE Trans. On Wireless Communications, vol.8, no. 9, Sept. 2009, pp4815-4823. 13. Hongyu Gu, Chenyang Yang, Bernard Fong, “Low-complexity centralized joint power and admission control in cognitive radio networks”, IEEE Communications Letters,vol.13, no.6, June 2009, pp420-422. 14. Taewon Hwang, Chenyang Yang, Gang Wu, Shaoqian Li, and Geoffrey Ye Li, "OFDM and Its Wireless Applications: A Survey", IEEE Trans. on Vehicular Technology(invited paper), vol.58, no.4, May 2009, pp1673-1694. 15. Yafei Tian and Chenyang Yang, “Low Complexity Equalization by Iterative Interference Cancellation for UWB Communications”, IEEE Signal Processing Letters,vol.15, Dec., 2008, pp753-756. 16. Yafei Tian and Chenyang Yang, “Optimal and Suboptimal Demodulation Algorithms with Unknown CSI and Performance on PPM modulation of UWB systems”, IEEE Trans. on Wireless Communications, vol. 7, June 2008, pp. 2202-2211.

  现任IEEE通信学会北京分会(IEEE CoMSoc Beijing Chapter)主席、IEEE Trans. On Wireless Communications国际期刊编委、通信学报和信号处理学报副主任编委,为中国电子学会会士、中国电子学会信号处理学会副主任委员,曾担任ChinaCom'10的大会副主席;ChinaCom'09和CoNet’07的co-chair,多年来一直担任IEEE ICC、GlobeCom、WCNC、VTC、PIMRC和ICSP等重要国际会议的TPC成员。2000-2008年曾任电子信息工程学院副院长。 曾获国家科技进步三等奖1项、部级科技进步二等奖3项;获得教育部首届优秀青年教师奖励计划资助。

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