

作者:聚创考研网-王老师 点击量:849 2024-07-11



This is Scientific American's 60-second Science, I'm Christopher Intagliata.When you think of pollinatorswhat comes to mind?Bees, butterflies, maybe hummingbirds.Well, how about flies?Flies in general are the second most important group of pollinating insects.So I think they deserve more credit than they often get.C. Scott Clem is an insect ecologist at the University of Georgia.And he's been studying a type of fly known as a "hoverfly."You may have actually seen them before, masquerading as bees and wasps.


这里是科学美国人——60秒科学系列,我是克里斯托弗·因塔利亚塔。当你想到授粉时,你会想到什么动物?蜜蜂,蝴蝶,也许是蜂鸟。那么, 苍蝇呢?苍蝇一般是第二重要的授粉昆虫。所以我认为苍蝇应该得到比平常多的赞扬。斯科特·克莱姆是乔治亚大学的昆虫生态学家。他一直在研究一种叫做食蚜蝇的苍蝇。你可能之前见过食蚜蝇,它们可能伪装成了蜜蜂、黄蜂。


They tend to be yellow and black colored, and they're kind of different from other flies in that regard.They're these little insects you often find visiting flowers or sometimes they'll actually land on your skin seeking the salt on your skin.By studying isotopes in the insects' legs and wings, Clem and his colleagues have now determined that some of these flies make a remarkable autumn migration.They seem to originate near Ontario, Canada—and then they fly hundreds of miles south, to central Illinois.And it's possible that some go even further—thousands of miles, perhaps.They get up into high altitude air currents.They're able to just surf on these winds basically, and it takes them these vast distances.The results appear in the journal Ecological Monographs.

As for why the flies migrate?Well, Clem says they might be pursuing the aphids they eat southward or maybe they're following the blooms of nectar-rich flowers.And if they're moving they could be moving these ecological services across the continent on an annual basis.The scientists write that the flies could be transporting billions of grains of pollen across the continent, all while working to exterminate pests.So even if hoverflies' bee-like appearance is mere mimicry—the ecological services they provide could very well be the real deal.Thanks for listening for Scientific American's 60-second Science. I'm Christopher Intagliata.


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