

作者:聚创考研网-王老师 点击量:444 2024-07-08



This is Scientific American's 60-second Science, I'm Christopher Intagliata.Hundreds of miles southeast of New Zealand, you will find the windswept Bounty and Antipodes Islands.It's there you'll find the breeding grounds of what may be the world's most punk-rock penguin, which sports twin bleached-blond Mohawks.So it's like if you took a penguin and you put its flipper in an electricity outlet and it got a shock.That's what you might imagine it looks like.Lloyd Davis of New Zealand's University of Otago says the erect-crested penguin, as it's known, also has a peculiar breeding strategy.The females lay two eggs. But generally leave the first one to die.They just plop the egg on the rock.




And you know, it's just bizarre to see.And then 40 percent of them, they just turn their back on it.They don't even attempt to incubate it, it's like 'I don't care about that.'Davis says that's unusual—because most birds pour resources into the first egg, and the second, and however many more, but the last egg is almost an afterthought.The final egg just acts like an insurance policy for them, so if they lose one of the other eggs, they can rear the chick from that one.But this is quite the opposite.Because, in this case—and this is why it's such a conundrum in the biological world—they don't favor the first egg, they favor the second one.Davis and his colleagues traveled to the Antipodes Islands in 1998 to investigate that conundrum.


And in reanalyzing their data, they've narrowed down the possible explanations for this behavior.For one, they think the penguins might reject the first egg because it forms while the birds are migrating, so it's smaller—inferior, perhaps—to the second, larger egg.And the penguins may also be acknowledging a reality many species face—they simply don't have the resources to rear two chicks.The results are in the journal PLOS ONE.Davis says when he visited the islands almost 25 years ago, the penguins were the least studied penguins in the world.He says they still are and now they are endangered.They seem to have gone down by about a third of the population from based on the evidence we have,and yet we know nothing about them, we know nothing about the causes, and we need to do what we can to protect these wonderful and forgotten penguins.After all, you could say the birds themselves are already putting all their eggs in one basket.Thanks for listening for Scientific American's 60-second Science. I'm Christopher Intagliata.


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