

作者:聚创考研网-王老师 点击量:1603 2023-07-04



I think that I would have anticipated something like twice as fast, not necessarily four times as fast.And the reason that this number is really interesting, this increase in rate or are so remarkable to us is that prior to this point,we always assumed that the stands that burned severely were a net source of carbon to the atmosphere,meaning they lost more carbon in the fire than they could hope to reaccumulate before the next fire came through.Ecologists like Johnstone have worried for years about the amount of carbon that could be lost to the atmosphere from wildfire in the boreal forest, because that could lead to what she calls a “runaway feedback loop with climate change.”And so this example of more rapid accumulation of carbon in deciduous broadleaf stands is a way of thinking of putting the brakes on the runaway train.



And it's really valuable to recognize that by changing that type of vegetation that recovers after fire or we actually change the carbon accumulation rate.Johnsone says the change in vegetation regime might help bring the system back into “control”—at least for a bit.There are limits to this seeming self-regulation.So let's change the metaphor to driving a bus down the highway.And what we're concerned about is that as far as climate warming leads to more fire weather, we get more severe and active fires burning in the boreal forest that releases more carbon.And that's just pushing the accelerator pedal down on this bus.The added carbon accumulation, as the forest regime regenerates and shifts from coniferous to deciduous trees—that’s like putting the parking brake on while driving the bus, says Johnstone.So, you're slowing down that acceleration, but it's not enough to stop it completely.And as long as we are continuing to pump carbon into the atmosphere.Particularly through our own fossil fuel combustion, then we're going to keep accelerating.But this feedback of vegetation change in the boreal forest is at least pushing back against that acceleration to slow us down.



And we need to use all the tools available to us to help slow that bus down because it's headed to go over a cliff.Discovering this natural shift took some sleuthing.Well, this research really played out like a detective novel.At first we noticed, oh, the fires seem to be doing different things and asking questions about, well, if the fire, the way the fire burns changes, how does that change the forest regeneration?And that required a bunch of experiments and following patterns of forest regeneration for five, 10,15 years.Deciduous trees like birch and aspen live for about 100 years, so the team couldn’t simply wait for one or two centuries to find out what happens in the forest.So we went out and found all these different age stands across the boreal forest in Alaska and sampled them and tried to make sure that we had a good comparative set of ages that could be linked together as being probably starting from the same initial conditions and then just have different ages.And that piecing together is like doing a jigsaw puzzle.The pieces of the puzzle that are still missing are the ones that help explain how we pump the brakes before that bus reaches the cliff.For Scientific American, I’m Emily Schwing.


我们需要使用所有可用的工具来减缓那辆巴士的速度因为它正朝着悬崖驶去。需要一些侦查才能发现这种自然的转变。这项研究的逐步开展就像一部侦探小说。一开始,我们注意到,哦,火灾似乎是重要的事情,并提出了一些问题:如果火灾,大火燃烧的方式发生了变化,这将如何改变森林再生?这需要大量的实验,跟踪5年,10年,15年森林更新的模式。像桦树和白杨这样的阔叶树的寿命约为100年,所以研究小组不能只是等上一两个世纪来发现森林里发生了什么。所以我们去了阿拉斯加的北方森林,发现了这些不同年代的树木, 我们对它们进行了抽样,并试图确保我们有一个可以把树木年龄联系在一起的很好的年龄对比集合,因为这些树木可能从相同的初始条件开始生长,然后有着不同的年龄。这种组合资料就像做拼图游戏。目前仍未解开的谜题是那些有助于解释我们如何在巴士到达悬崖前刹住车的谜题。我是《科学美国人》的艾米丽·施温。

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