

作者:聚创考研网-王老师 点击量:848 2023-06-29



This is Scientific American's 60-second Science, I'm Jason Goldman."We literally get down on our hands and knees and start slowly sifting through the leaf litter, looking through bits of hair or a little chunk of bone…Tom Gable is tracking a predator. In fact, he’s tracking a whole pack of them.Always, it's very much like a crime scene investigation….Since 2015, the University of Minnesota conservation biologist has used GPS collars to track 30 wolves inside Voyageurs National Park.Those collars led Gable and his team to kill sites.And there, amid the leaf litter, were bloodied bits of fur and bone … clues about how wolves alter the ecosystems they live, and hunt, and kill in.The long-term study is, in a way, a quest to broaden a science story that goes back 25 years.For wildlife ecologists, the story of the reintroduction of wolves to the Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem on January 12, 1995, has become canonical.

这里是科学美国人——60秒科学系列,我是杰森·戈德曼。我们匍匐在地上,开始慢慢地在落叶中筛选,寻找一些头发或一小块骨头……汤姆·盖博在追踪一个 捕食性动物。事实上,他在追踪一大群动物。这每次都很像犯罪现场调查....2015年以来,这位明尼苏达大学的保护生物学家使用GPS项圈追踪探险家国家公园内的30只狼。这些项圈引导盖博和他的团队来到捕杀地点。在落叶中,有血迹斑斑的皮毛和骨头...这是关于狼如何改变它们生活、追捕和杀戮的生态系统的线索。在某种程度上,这项长期研究是为了拓宽25年前的科学故事。对于野生动物生态学家来说,1995112日将狼重新引入大黄石生态系统的故事已经成为经典。

The story goes something like this: as the elk grew to fear the wolves, they changed where and how they foraged.That gave willows, cottonwoods, and aspens a better chance to grow near streams.It also meant more river-side berries for foraging grizzly bears.And it led to alterations in the flow of those streams, sending water in new directions.Wolves outcompete coyotes for access to prey, so coyotes populations plummeted, which led to a rise in fox, rabbit, and ground-nesting bird numbers, and so on.Ecologists call this row of biological dominoes a trophic cascade."Regardless of your inclination, it's hard not to be like, wow this is amazing. If that is true, it's really incredible."New findings cast some doubt on the idea that wolves primarily regulate the Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem through fear and intimidation.And regardless of the situation there, very little research has been conducted on this question in ecosystems that don't resemble the mountains and grasslands of Yellowstone.Which brings us back to the boreal forests of northern Minnesota, and the ground that Tom Gable and his team have been crawling over the last few years.


故事大致是这样的:当麋鹿越来越害怕狼时,它们改变了觅食的地点和方式。这使得杨柳、三角叶杨和白杨有更好的机会在溪流附近生长。这也意味着有更多的河边浆果供灰熊觅食。这导致了这些溪流的流动方向发生了改变,将水输送到新的方向。狼在获取猎物方面胜过草原狼,因此草原狼的数量直线下降, 这导致了狐狸、兔子和地面筑巢鸟类数量的增加, 等等。生态学家把这一系列生物多米诺骨牌效应称为营养级联。不管你的倾向如何,很难不发出这样的感叹,哇,这太棒了。如果这是真的,那真是难以置信。新的发现让人们对狼主要通过恐吓和威胁来调节大黄石生态系统的观点提出了一些怀疑。不管那里的情况如何,在与黄石公园的山脉和草原不同的生态系统中,关于这个问题的研究很少。这让我们回到了明尼苏达州北部的北方森林,以及汤姆·盖博和他的团队在过去几年里一直在爬行的土地。

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