

作者:聚创考研网-王老师 点击量:288 2023-05-27



Tomatoes are the most popular crop among American home gardeners.Garden writer Jessica Damiano says there are many good reasons to grow your own tomatoes.Just the smell of homegrown tomatoes, Damiano says, will remind you of summer.A major benefit of growing your own tomatoes is variety.If you visit a garden center, you will find seeds and small starter plants for yellow tomatoes, purple tomatoes, huge tomatoes, and even very small tomatoes.There are kinds you simply cannot find at a local food store.Damiano loves tomatoes.In fact, she created and hosted The Great Long Island Tomato Challenge while working for a local newspaper in the state of New York.The gatherings of people who love tomatoes, or "tomatophiles," continued for 13 years.One tomato that was entered into the challenge weighed more than 2.3 kilos.Damiano also got to meet and speak with the competitive tomato growers who raised the winning fruits.It did not take long for her to notice some common practices among them.Tomatoes are not difficult to grow.The most important things are to give the plants plenty of water, well-draining soil, heat and light.It is best to grow tomatoes in a place that receives at least six hours of sunlight each day.


Removing weeds will keep pests and diseases away while giving the plants enough nutrients to produce fruit.Tomatoes grow best in soil with a pH level between 6.0 and 6.8.If the pH reading is lower than 6.0, you can add about 2 cups of dolomitic lime into the soil for each plant.Make sure to mix it deep into the soil -- down to around 30 centimeters.If you want to grow really big tomatoes, try following these seven tips from expert growers:1.Select tomato seeds with names like Big Zac, Porterhouse, Rhode Island Giant or Bull's Heart.They are all genetically designed to produce large fruit.2.Start seeds early indoors and re-plant them into larger containers several times before moving them outdoors.Plant them deeply each time, removing leaves from the bottom one-third of plants and burying stems up to the next set of leaves.This will produce stronger plants.

清除杂草可以防止病虫害,同时为番茄植株提供足够的营养来结出果实。番茄在pH值为6.06.8之间的土壤中生长得最好。如果pH值低于6.0,你可以在每株植物的土壤中添加大约2杯白云石灰。一定要把它混入土壤深处——大约30厘米深。如果你想种非常大的番茄,试着遵循专家种植者给出的以下七个建议:1.选择带有Big ZacPorterhouseRhode Island GiantBull's Heart等名字的番茄种子。它们的基因已被改良,可以结出大番茄。2.尽早在室内开始播种,在将它们搬到室外之前,把它们多次移栽到更大的容器中。每次都要把它们种得很深,把植株底部三分之一处的叶子去掉,把茎埋到下一组叶子处。这将使植株更强壮。

Remove new flowers that develop at the top of the plant when older fruits near the bottom begin to grow.This will force the plant to produce fewer but larger tomatoes.4.Pay close attention! Observe the plants daily for pests and diseases.React quickly to prevent problems.5.Remove the small growths where the plant's stems and branches meet.This will prevent them from taking away nutrients and shading developing fruit under them.6.Cut back, or prune, the plants to keep only one main branch instead of letting them develop into a shorter, wider shrub.7.Finally, water, fertilize and weed!I'm Jill Robbins. And I'm Faith Pirlo.


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