

作者:聚创考研网-王老师 点击量:784 2023-03-10



With fashion magazines, advertisements and teenage icons sporting the "latest and greatest" trends, there's a lot of pressure on teenagers to fit the mold...no matter how expensive it might be.For decades, teenage and adolescent boys and girls have used fashion as a social weapon. Bullies will pick out peers that aren't wearing the best brands of clothing and criticize them.Dr. Jensen, a professor at Western Illinois University in Macomb, says there are some tell-tale signs your child might be a victim of fashion bullying. They'll become picky about what clothes they wear and will be very demanding when you take them shopping.


Dr Mary Bousted, the general secretary of The Association of Teachers and Lecturers said: "Bullying of this kind can be quite insidious, it can just be a look that a child is given. Advertising and marketing have made our society increasingly image-conscious and our children are suffering the consequences. Schools and colleges should be places where all children feel equal, but it is virtually impossible for schools to protect their pupils from the harsher aspects of these commercial influences."Andy Cranham, a teacher at City of Bristol College said: "The need to belong in groups is paramount to young learners and exclusion is something they see as the end of the world."What Not to Wear, a popular television show, features fashion bullying as entertainment. Each week Stacy and Clinton ambush a fashion victim, belittling her appearance, and both verbally and literally trashing her wardrobe. They harass and harangue the victim while she shops according to their “fashion rules.”



After she submits to a total fashion renovation, Stacy and Clinton offer her acceptance and approval. Each show climaxes with a homecoming celebration where the former fashion disaster returns to fawning friends and family who gush with admiration as the remade sophisticated, self-confident “new woman” sweeps into the room.I think beauty is probably at the base of fashion, and the problem comes when so called “stylish” people start defining beauty in a way that excludes other people.Why wait for a trend in order to wear something in its wake? If you're able to wear something with confidence, YOU will be the one starting a trend.


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