作者:聚创考研网-王老师 点击量:1245 2022-02-19
In testimony to Congress, Jerome Powell, the chairman of the Federal Reserve, admitted that prices are increasing at a faster pace than central bankers have forecast, but reiterated his view that pressures will eventually ease, avoiding any return to 1970s levels of inflation. Fed officials now think consumer prices in America will be 3.4% higher in the fourth quarter than a year before, up from 2.4% in an earlier projection (in May a different measure of inflation hit 5%). Mr Powell pointed out that price rises are sharpest in sectors linked to the reopening of the economy, and will recede.
美联储主席杰罗姆·鲍威尔(Jerome Powell)在国会作证时承认,物价上涨的速度快于央行官员们的预期,但他重申了自己的观点,即这些压力最终将会缓解,避免通胀程度回到上世纪70年代的水平。美联储官员现在认为,美国第四季度的消费者价格将比去年同期上涨3.4%,高于此前预测的2.4%(5月份另一种衡量通货膨胀的指标达到了5%)。鲍威尔指出,与经济重新开放有关的行业价格涨幅最大,并将回落。
Microsoft’s market capitalisation reached $2trn, making it only the second American company, after Apple, to do so. It hit a valuation of $1trn in April 2019. Microsoft’s share price is up by 20% since the start of the year, outperforming Amazon and Apple, but not Alphabet, which has seen its stock rise by around 40%.The median price of a home in America (excluding new builds) was $350,300 in May, a record according to the National Association of Realtors and up by 24% year on year. The NAR has also reported that sales are rocketing of vacation homes, “a hot commodity” as people seek peace and quiet to work remotely.
China’s central bank stepped up its clampdown on bitcoin and other digital currencies, hauling in officials from the country’s biggest banks to discuss the problem of “cryptocurrency speculation”. China eventually wants its citizens to use a government-backed cryptocurrency that is being tested in pilot projects. The price of bitcoin, meanwhile, recovered somewhat after falling below $30,000 for the first time since January.The share prices of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, which guarantee American mortgages, plunged by more than 30% after the Supreme Court rejected most claims brought by a group of hedge funds, including Bill Ackman’s Pershing Square. They claimed the government, attempting to recoup bail-out funds, illegally seized $100bn of profits earned by Fannie and Freddie since 2012. The justices disagreed.
1.stepped up 加强;提高
The country stepped up internal security.
2.A group of 一组;一群
A group of reporters blocked his path.
3.share price 股价
They have already seen the company's share price soar.
4.for the first time 第一次
The airport road is passable today for the first time in a week.
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